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Q: Why does the body make antibodies specifically for the chicken pox virus.?
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What on a virus stimulates the body's production of antibodies?

An Antigen.

How can your body produce antibodies against dead viruses?

A virus doesn't have to be alive for the body to produce antibodies against it. Antibodies recognize the physical appearance of a virus. By using dead viruses the immune system is taught to look out for a live virus with the same characteristics of the dead one, but you don't risk being infected by the virus.

What does auto-antibodies mean?

antibodies is an virus that can cause to get sick. or it can can cause to get in your body as cells

How do antibodies protect your body against disease when exposed to a virus?

Each antibody is made to target certain antigens (disease or virus). They then would destroy them. The antibodies stay in the body so that if the antigen attacks again, the antibodies would already be there to destroy them.

If your body is full of antibodies from a recent bout of chickenpox could you still come down with the flu?

Yes. The antibodies are very specific to each type of infection. So, the chicken pox antibodies would not be any protection against influenza viruses, and you could still come down with the flu if exposed to that virus. Ask the doctor who has treated the chicken pox when it would be okay to get a vaccination against the flu after the chicken pox.

Can you have the same virus more than once?

No. Your body will build antibodies everytime you get a disease. Once your antibodies are built, they will destroy the virus before you can get sick. The reason you stay sick for a little bit is because the antibodies are being created.+

What is Dengue serology IgG iGM?

antibodies against dengue virus which appear in the body in response to infection after Ig M antibodies

Why is a person who suffers from chicken pox once not likely to be attacked by the same disease in the future?

A virus stays in the body, so once you have chicken pox, it's always there and your body always recognizes it as a disease and fights off any new viruses. The chicken pox virus does reappear as shingles, a very painful skin rash.

What cells response to an invading virus that the body has already been vaccinated against?


What are antibodies?

Antibodies are special immune system cells that are matched to a specific virus. Once they attach to the virus, it is neutralized as a threat. Your body has to learn how to make antibodies for each virus it encounters, that is what vaccines are used for.

What is the condition in which antibodies protect a person from disease?

Antibodies protect people from disease because they are special defenders designed to fight a particular virus. Vaccines introduce small amounts of the virus into the body so it can build up antibodies against the disease.

How does your body fight chickenpox?

The first line of defense against chickenpox are the defenses of the upper respiratory mucosa. The mucous and cilia help to sweep the virus out of the body. The inflammatory response releases inflammatory modulators that help destroy or incapacitate the virus. White blood cells find small parts of the chickenpox virus -- the "antigen" -- and learn to make antibodies to fight the antigen. If the body is infected again with the virus, these cells will produce antigen quickly to fight reinfection.