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Q: Why does the boy scout popcorn taste so terrible?
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Related questions

Do girl scout cookies of Boy Scout popcorn raise more money?

girl scout cookies

Is purchase of Boy Scout Popcorn tax deductible?

When you purchase something for charity the portion that goes to the charity is tax deductible and the value of the product received is not. In the case of Boy Scout popcorn 70% goes to the scouts.

Name something sold door to door?

Girl Scout cookies, Boy Scout popcorn, fundraiser magazines and holiday ornaments.

How long do Boy Scout sell popcorn 2012?

The popcorn fund-raising drives usually start in August and have a deadline for orders in October so that the popcorn can be delivered by late November.

Is there such thing as Boy Scout cookies?

The Boy Scouts of America does not sell cookies as a national program like the Girls Scouts of the USA does. Many local councils sell Trail's End popcorn which has a license from the BSA. Units may sell cookies as part of local bake sales, and many sell candy as a fundraiser.

Where is Boy Scout logo from?

what country is the boy scout logo from?

Was David Archuleta a boy scout?

yes he was in a boy scout

How do you say peace out Boy Scout in french?

Salut, boy-scout. or Ciao! Boy scout. It can be ironic, like in English.

Is Boy Scout popcorn gluten free?

Popcorn itself is naturally gluten free - BUT! - if you check the website for Trail's End who currently (2011) supply the scouts with their popcorn for sales, they say themselves that it is processed and packaged in lines that are also used for products containing wheat. And if you know anything about cross - contamination, that means the popcorn supplied to the scouts is NOT GLUTEN FREE.

Is it OK for a Boy Scout to lie?

Category:ScoutingFrom The Boy Scout Handbook, Boy Scouts of America:A Scout is trustworthy. A Scout tells the truth. He is honest, and he keeps his promises. People can depend on him.

What is the command for dismissal for Boy Scout?

the command is dismiss for the dismissal of the boy scout.

When was Boy Scout Handbook created?

Boy Scout Handbook was created in 1910.