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the difference that have is that one side is more hot and the other coold , because the wind is strong and that what cause the climograph. thanks ..

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11y ago
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16y ago

The oceans are a great 'heat sink'. That means that ocean store heat energy and release it slowly when the energy flux becomes negative, providing a stabilizing influence to the coastal regions.

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14y ago

Mid-latitude continental interiors have greater extremes in temperature than coastal areas because large areas heat up and cool off more quickly than oceans. Therefore, in the winter, the interiors of continents will be much colder than along the coast. Similarly, in the summer, the interiors heat up much more than the coastal areas. The colder winter temperatures and warmer summer temperatures of the interior result in a greater range of temperature. Oceans provide both cold and warm currents.

Oceans moderate air temperatures rather than causing extremes. The Intertropical Convergence Zone does not move far enough north or south to reach the mid-latitudes. Coastal storms can and do cause much damage, but the extremes of temperature are still greater in the interior.

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13y ago

because stone cold said so

^You're retarded.

Here is the real answer:

Mid-latitude continental interiors have greater extremes in temperature than coastal areas because large areas heat up and cool off more quickly than oceans. Therefore, in the winter, the interiors of continents will be much colder than along the coast. Similarly, in the summer, the interiors heat up much more than the coastal areas. The colder winter temperatures and warmer summer temperatures of the interior result in a greater range of temperature. Oceans provide both cold and warm currents.

Oceans moderate air temperatures rather than causing extremes. The Intertropical Convergence Zone does not move far enough north or south to reach the mid-latitudes. Coastal storms can and do cause much damage, but the extremes of temperature are still greater in the interior.

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12y ago

Because its not near water and since water doesn't change temperature as easily as land and air, it cools those in the summer and heats them in winter, center doesn't have that unless theres a large lake nearby.......which gives you lake effect snow...

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9y ago

Temperatures at the center of the continent are generally higher than those at coastal locations. This is because the water in the coastal areas has a cooling effect.

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12y ago

the inter-tropical convergence zone can more easily infiltrate the interiors of continents than it can move along the coast

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Q: Why does the center of the continent have hotter summers and colder winters than the coasts?
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