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Q: Why does the cleaning light come up on my tassimo coffee maker?
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Is Tassimo the best single serving coffee maker?

It really is a matter of opinion on what is the best single serving coffee maker. One person may love the Tassimo, while others may absolutely hate it.

How does the Senseo Single Serve Gourmet Coffee Maker compare to the Keurig and the Bosch Tassimo?

The Senso Single Server Gourmet Coffee Maker is cheaper than the Keurig, but is less durable and not last quite as long. The Bosch Tassimo is expensive, but very good as well.

Where can a Tassimo coffee maker be purchased?

Tassimo coffee makers can be purchased from a number of well-known and convieniently located stores nationwide. Some of those retailers include Bed Bath and Beyond, Macy's and WalMart.

How much coffee can one make with the Braun Tassimo coffee maker?

The Braun Tassimo TA 1400 is capable of making enough coffee to fill a regular sized cup. One could also place a small coffee pot into the machine and allow it to fill up.

What is the Braun Tassimo used for?

The Braun Tassimo is used for brewing hot drinks. It is a specialty "one-cup" beverage maker, designed to brew a hot beverage based on coffee, teas and hot chocolates.

Can you use k cups in the tassimo single cup coffee maker?

Keurig provides reusable k-cups filters, So you are able to add your own gourmet ground coffee.

What kind of coffee disc does the Bosch single serve coffee maker use?

The Bosch single serve coffee maker uses T discs. The Tassimo 55 Home Brewing System by Bosch has a 56 ounce tank and takes more than two minutes to produce a cup of coffee.

Where can you buy descaler for your Tassimo coffee maker?

Commercial liquid descalers for coffee machines are available at grocery stores and other retailers. Home remedies are available that are both inexpensive and effective, as well as being more environmentally safe. Vinegar or lemon juice concentrate can be used to clean both the coffee carafe as well as being run through the coffee machine.

What are the 4 models of single cup coffee brewers made by Tassimo Coffee Maker?

Listed in order from the most inexpensive to the priciest models they make. Tassio makes the Tassio T10, the Tassio T20, the Tassio Suprema T45 and the Tassio T55

Keurig Coffee Maker ?

There are a couple of other coffee makes that are similar to Keurig. One of the most popular is Tassimo. If your concern is the price of Keurig, there are several Mr. Coffee makers that use the same technology, but they do not cost as much.

Is a faberware coffee maker a useful brand coffee maker?

Faberware coffee maker is a useful brand coffee maker. It makes excellent tasting coffee.

Is a keurig coffee maker long-lasting?

All Keurig coffee makers after reading and studying the reviews are about average. The Keurig coffee maker regardless of model should last depending on how you take care of it. Proper cleaning and maintainability will ensure longer life.