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The founding fathers put in the separation of powers because they thought it would be a power and corruption limit, restraining anyone from trying to become a dictator or taking over.

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Q: Why does the constitution have a system of separation of powers?
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How did the writers of the us constitution put into practice the idea of separation of powers and a system of checks and balances?

The writers of the US Constitution put into practice the idea of separation of powers through a system of checks and balances.

The Constitution's system of separation of powers divides power?

The separation of powers divides power between the three branches of government with a system of checks and balances between them.

What does The Constitution provides for a separation of powers mean?

It basically means that the Constitution created (provided) a separation of powers, being the 3 within the county.

What established the separation of powers?

the u.s constitution

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What does it mean that the Constitution provides for a separation of powers?

The separation of powers have to do with the writers of the constitution's concern for making one person the most powerful in the new government.

Who did the separation of powers?

The separation of powers in the United States among the executive, legislative and judicial powers is set forth in the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution was created as a joint effort by the Constitutional Convention.

Briefly explain the separation of powers established by the constitution?

Separation of powers as defined in the Constitution of the United States has to do with the power the government has over the states. It also provides for states to govern themselves by the rules of the Constitution.

Which principle of the constitution was influenced by john locke?

Separation of powers.

Which idea of Montesquieu did the US use in the Constitution?

Separation of Powers.

What principle does the constitution's success rest upon?

The Separation of Powers

Is the separation of powers in the constitution?

The separation of powers in the U. S. Constitution is in the three branches of government. They are made up of executive, judiciary and the legislative with each having its unique role in the government.