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police patrol black areas more.

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Q: Why does the crime rate rise in areas where the black population increases?
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Why is population growth a problem in the Mediterranean?

Population growth is a problem in the Mediterranean because some of these countries do not have enough jobs. There is an increase in crime when unemployment increases.

What are the causes for increases in crime rate?

poverty, lack of police, education, social conditions, population density, etc

Drawbacks to living in cities as opposed to the country?

The city has a much larger population in a smaller area. This increases the likelihood of crowding, disagreements with neighbors, and lack of privacy. Noise, crime and air pollution are also proportionally higher in urban areas.

Why are crime rates expressed as a rate per 100000 population?

Crime rates are often expressed as a rate per 100,000 population to standardize comparisons between areas with different population sizes. This allows for a more accurate assessment of the prevalence of crime in a given area and helps to account for differences in population sizes when analyzing trends or patterns in crime data.

What are crime rates based on?

crime rate is the rate of crime in a specific area or population. A crime rate is calculated by dividing the number of reported crimes by the total population; the result is multiplied by 100,000. This is why most crime statistics say out of 100,000. For example, in 2016 there were 358,100 robberies in New Delhi, India and the population was 62,826,898. 358,100/62,826,898=.00569x100,000=569. so New Delhi has a crime rate of 569 robberies per 100,000 people. Making the crime rates based out of a number that is out of 100,000 makes the numbers comparable between to areas so that largely populated areas dont seem extremely dangerous because they have a large population and therefor more crime, using crime rates statistics a large city could comparitively be as safe as a small town based on the rates of crime.

What is the term for black police officer arresting more blacks?

nothing, its just police work. Its not based upon race, its based upon the crime commited. The fact that most offendors are black is not a profile. its that the high crime areas of major cities are populated by blacks. Therefore, most arrests are in those areas

Do burglars target well populated areas?

Burglars do targer well-populated areas because it will give them a higher base of options for their crimes. When you have a high population in an area there will be more crime.

If crime increases as a result of the full moon then crime is what type of variable?

Independent variables

What are causes of crime rate increases in Fiji?

it is because of children who are neglected they do not have nothing but to commit crime

Is there any impact of black money in Indian market and what are the causes?

Black money creates a false sense of prosperity as spending increases. In reality the money is produced by crime and can't be applied to help the economy at large.

When was The Crime at Black Dudley created?

The Crime at Black Dudley was created in 1929.

What is Black on black crime?

Black on black crime is the term given to crimes committed by one black person on another black person. It is most often used for black youths who commit crimes on other black youths.