

Why does the density of ice lower then that of water?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Usually, when something turns into solid, its volume reduces. Since density is given by mass per unit volume, decrease in volume means higher densities. Water, however has an anomaly, on freezing, its volume, instead of contracting, actually expands.

As the mass of the particular quantity under observation remains constant, increase in volume on freezing cause the density to go down, below water in the liquid form.

Thus, the density of ice is lower that that of water.

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Q: Why does the density of ice lower then that of water?
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It is true that water expands as it freezes, but the reason it floats on water is because the density of solid water (ice) is less than that of liquid water. And the density of ice is lower because of the expansion (same mass/larger volume).

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The chemical formula is absolutely identical - H2O. The density of ice is lower than the density of water.

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no. Density of ice is more than of water...we can understand from ice sinking in water drinks... Edited by Dr.J. : How is it possible for the density of ice to be more (greater) than that of liquid water if ice FLOATS on lakes and rivers? Clearly, the density of ice is LESS than that of liquid water.

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You think probable to the density, lower than the density of liquid water.

Which is more dense ice-cream or water?

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