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its dived up because the earth takes 24 hours to rotate

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Q: Why does the earth have 24 time zones?
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How man time zones is the earth divided into?

There are 24 time zones.

How many international time zones does the earth hold?

There are 24 main time zones on Earth

How many time zones are there across Earth?


How many time zones and their measure of degree?

The earth is divided into 24 times zones. Divide 360 degrees by 24 and you will get the measure in degrees.

How many hours are there on earth?

Hours are arbitrary, man-made divisions of time. There are 24 time zones on earth--the result of dividing the earth into 24 longitudinal segments.

How many hours are on earth?

Hours are arbitrary, man-made divisions of time. There are 24 time zones on earth--the result of dividing the earth into 24 longitudinal segments.

How many time zones is the earth divide?

The earth is divided into 40 formal time zones, not 24 as might commonly be expected. See: for a complete list. Note that the number of time zones also varies with the season as some regions adopt daylight savings time (DST) while others (in the same time zone) choose not to use DST. This can lead to a seasonal increase or decrease in the total number of time zones. According to PHC there are 24 Major time zones

How many time zones in world?

There are 24 different time zones around the world.

What are the 24 divisions of the earth?

Earth is divided into 24 time zones. A time zone is a region with uniform standard time so areas near that location can keep the same time. Most time zones on land are offset by Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC, by a the whole hour (UTC-12 to UTC+14).

Why do you think the Earth is divided into 24 time zones?

That is probably because we divide the day into 24 hours.

Are there any isolated tiny time zones?

Since there are a total of 24 time zones, then taking the Earth as a perfect sphere of 360o's, then each time zone covers 15o's of the Earth's surface.

How many regular time zones are there on earth?

24, One for each hour of the day.