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Tectonic plate Boundaries, both Continental, can press against each other until the land is lifted and folded over itself. This is often called a Collisional Plate Boundary and can cause earthquakes, however not volcanoes.

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Q: Why does the earth have mountains?
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Related questions

How many mountains are there on earth?

There are no exact amount if mountains on Earth. Some are even forming now, so you wouldn't now how much mountains there are on Earth.

Does the earth have more mountains or valleys?


What are mountains made from?

=mountains are made from the earth in the ocean=

What kind mountains are formed when the Earth's crust are pushed by forces inside the earth?

Upwarped mountains

How do earth mountains form and erode?

Earth's mountains form and erode from erupting and by shifting plates.

What are mountains formed by magma that reach the Earth's surface?

Mountains formed by magma that reach the Earth's surface are called volcanic mountains or ridges.

Why mountains prevent earth from shaking?

The Quran states that mountains prevent the earth from shaking. It describes them as pegs that keep the earth rigid.

What is the major difference between highlands on the moon and the mountains on earth?

Gravity on the moon is one sixth of gravity on the earth, so mountains on the moon can be much taller. Mountains on earth are eroded by wind and water, but on the moon mountains are not eroded.

Why are Himalayan mountains reverse mountains?

becauuse of the gravity of the earth

are there any Benefits to earth from Mountains?

You question is meaningless. Earth has mountains as a result of continental drift/plate tectonics, there is no benefit or deficit - mountains just are.

Does earth have mountains?

yes it does

Are mountains part of the stratosphere?

No, the highest mountains on earth do not reach into the stratosphere.