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Q: Why does the earths rotation make objects veer off of their intended path?
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How do earthquake activity change the earths surface?

By slowing down the earths rotation but will not make effect to humans .

Why does earths rotation make launching rockets into space more complicated?

it doesnt.

How does earths rotation make global winds curve?

coriolis effect causes inds to cureve to the left or right depending on the hemisphere.

Do tsunamis really make the days longer?

The days may feel longer after a tsunami but no, the length of the day depends on the earths rotation not tsunamis.

What direction does the Earths rotation make the prevailing winds curve?

The Earth's rotation affects all winds, prevailing or otherwise. In the northern hemisphere the Earth's rotation cause wind to curve to the right. It curves winds to the left in the southern hemisphere.

What is the planet earths rotation time?

About 365 1/4 days long. The quarter not counted, so to make up for the time there is a leap year every 4 years.

What is the differences between rotate and orbit?

The difference between orbit and rotation is: to orbit is to go around celestial objects (celestial objects means any object in space such as satelittes, other planets et cetera) Now to rotate is to spin around. I.E. the Earth takes 365 days to make one full rotation!

Can asteroids and comets still bombard your planet - earth?

yes, many objects enter earths atmosphere everyday but are burnt up before they make it to the ground.

How long does it take the earth to make a rotation?

It takes 24 earth hours for it to make a full rotation.

How many days does mars take to make one rotation?

It takes mars 1.03 days to make a rotation

How does the Coriolis effect cause?

The rotation causes the winds moving down from the poles to bend away from the equator..

How Much Earths does it take to make Jupiter?

In terms of volume, 1320 Earths.