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Fertilized eggs implant themselves on the uterine lining to provide a place for the placenta to develope. The placenta attaches the baby to the mother via umbillical cord to supply nourishment, oxygen, and blood to the fetus. Occasionally (not very often) the fertilized egg will implant itself in the fallopian tube in which case is called an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies must be terminated due to the high risk of killing the mother as well as the fetus. If an egg doesnt implant it will be expelled with the uterine lining that sheds during a womans period.

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Q: Why does the fertilized eggs go and in plant itself?
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Does the egg carton show you if fertilized?

Store bought eggs are never fertilized. If you are looking for fertilized eggs you need to go to a local farm or buy eggs from a hatchery.

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When the bearded dragons go through intercourse, the eggs are fertilized inside of the female already. So when the female lays the eggs, they are already fertilized.

Are unfertlized chicken eggs good to eat?

Yes, of course they are! In fact, ALL the eggs you buy in the grocery store are unfertilized. The only difference between fertilized and non-fertilized eggs is the tiny drop of sperm. It adds an infinitesimal amount of protein. BIG on the downside: fertilized eggs go bad quicker.

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If the eggs are laid they are already fertilized. You can go on your porch as long as you pay no mind to them and stay far away from them.

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Infertile eggs will go white within 36 hours. The fertile ones stay amber (clear).

Where does the human egg go when it swims?

It embeds itself in the uterine lining, and if it is fertilized, it will stay there for the pregnancy term.

In what part of the female reproductive tract do the sperm cell and the egg cell meet?

The fallopian tube. The fertilized eggs then travels down to the uterus and implants itself there. When a fertilized egg does not make it to the uterus and implants in the fallopian tube, the woman will end up with what's called a tubal pregnancy and must go to surgery right away since it can be fatal.

What is the difference betwen the nutritional value of fertilised and unfertilised eggs?

There is no difference. All eggs that go to your store are fertilized anyway, there's no way that a hen could or would lay an unfertilized egg.

How do you know if the black moor fish has fertilized eggs?

The eggs will go white (fungussy) within 36 hours if they are not fertilised. There are always some unfertilised (white) eggs. There will be tiny fry visible after around 4-5 days after spawning.

What color are the Siamese algae eater's eggs?

They are a translucent/clear Light Brown or Amber colour. If they are not fertilized they go white within a few hours.

What is the cause of a healthy tomato plant having lots of blooms but no fruit forming yet-what is going on?

In order for your plant to bear fruit, it must be fertilized by a male plant. If this plant is the only one around, odds are there is no fertilization going on. Bees go from plant to plant and help in this process.

Do you need to refrigerate fresh chicken eggs?

yes they can, but only if the egg hasn't started its growing cycle yet. so a chicken can lay an egg and it can go cold for a few days, but once it starts growing (via incubator or broody chicken) it musnt go cold. if your using broody chickens to hatch the eggs let the chicken off no longer than 20mins a day to eat,drink water, dust bath and poop. PS the egg must be fertilized of corse. hope that helped brad.