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since your chewing the gum your like taking the flavor off

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Q: Why does the flavor of gum disappear?
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Related questions

What gives gum its long lasting flavor?

Oil based flavors like mint, cinnamon and anise (licorice) flavors last longer than fruit based flavors. The sweetness of gum tends to disappear before the flavor. Sugar free gum stays sweeter longer.

What flavor was the first gum ever made?

Bubble Gum (original flavor)

Is there a gum that has a flavor longer than a day?

no there is not a gum that has flavor longer than a day

How long does the flavor of Stride gum last?

The flavor of Stride gum lasts about twenty minutes.

A popular flavor of chewing gum?

bubble gum is the most popular flavor

What is the least flavor of gum for orbit gum?

the strawberry

How long does gum flavor last?

That depends on the gum;]

What gum has flavor crystals?

If I'm not mistaken, the first gum to advertise its use of "flavor crystals" was Cinnaburst.

Why does gum lose it's flavor?

because you suck the flavour out of the gum

What is the hypotheses for sugar free gum has a better flavor than sugared gum?

Yes, because of the sugar. It tastes better at first, but eats the flavor. Basically, Sugar sucks up the flavor.

What is a purpose for a science fair project on which gum holds the flavor the longest?

the gum with more sugar has the longest lasting flavor.

Does bacteria in your mouth affect the linc of the gum flavor?

Yes, the Salava from ur mouth mixes with the sugar gum and makes the gum flavor longer.