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Due to gravity in the lava. Water and air can't be in the same place at once, so the air bubbles rise and sink as the water moves around.

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As it heats up on the bottom, it expands and becomes less dense then the surrounding liquid and rises. As it rises, it begins to get a little cooler, shrinks a little making it denser. Eventually it will start to descend where it will get hotter again.

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Q: Why does the homemade lava lamps bubble rise and sink?
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What is a lava lamp circulating lava inside itself?

The "lava" in a lava lamp is just melted colored wax. Convection currents cause blobs of the wax to rise and fall in the clear mineral oil mixture.

A certain type of lamp contains colored liquids these liquids form globs that break off and rise to the top of the liquid the glob rises due to what?

It is called a "lava lamp" and the effect is caused by the heat of the bulb in the lamp causing one of the liquids to warm up and become less dense than the other (it is denser in the cold state). The less dense glob then rises up and breaks off and travels to the top of the lamp where it cools then sinks once again to the bottom of the lamp.

Why does Lava in a lava lamp rises and sinks?

The 'lava' in a Lava Lamp is actually a chemically treated wax. The clear (sometimes colored) liquid is water. When the lamp is turned on the metal coil inside the glass chamber is heated by the light bulb. The reason it sinks and rises is because when the molecules inside the wax get heated up and speed up and expand. This causes them to become less dense than the water causing them to rise. When they are at the top the molecules slowly get colder and they slow down which makes them more dense than the water, so the wax sinks.

How does the lava lamps bubbles form?

The bubbles in a lava lamp form as a result of convection current. Which is the movement of fluids caused by density differences. As the bubbles at the bottom heats up, its density decreases and therefore becomes buoyant and floats to the top. However as it gets to the top, it loses its energy because it's getting further away from the heat source at the bottom. Therefore its density increases and falls down, where it heats up and floats again. This cycle is continuous... as long as you keep the lamp switch on. or my answer is this....... The lava effect is due to the interaction between the fluids used in the lamp. These fluids are selected on the basis of their density so one tends to barely float in the other. In addition, they are chosen based on their coefficient of expansion, so as they are heated one tends to rise or sink faster than the other. When heat from the light bulb warms the heavier liquid sitting on the bottom, it gets hotter and, due to its lower density, rises to the surface. By the time the "lava" reaches the top of the lamp, it begins to cool, becomes denser, and sinks to the bottom. As the lava sinks, it gets closer to the light bulb, heats up again, and the process is repeated over and over. Therefore, the key to successful lava lamp design is the selection of appropriate immiscible fluids. The exact composition used in lava lamps is a proprietary secret, but in general terms, one fluid is water based and the other is oil based. The aqueous phase may be water mixed with alcohol or other water-soluble solvents. The second fluid must meet a number of design criteria: it must be insoluble in water, heavier and more viscous, non-reactive and non-flammable, and reasonably priced. It must also be non poisonous, unchlorinated, not emulsifiable in water, and must have a greater coefficient of expansion than water. While fluid selection does not change from lamp to lamp, there are design changes to be considered because lamps are available in different colors, sizes, and styles. The original Century model, which is still manufactured today, was the most popular model during the 1960s and 1970s. Its gold base is perforated with tiny holes which simulate starlight and its 52 oz (1.46 kg) globe is filled with red or white lava and yellow or blue liquid. A number of interesting variations on the Century have been manufactured in past years, although not all of them are still made today. For example, the Enchantress Planter Lava Lite lamp came equipped with plastic foliage. The Continental Lava Lite lamp which, was the only cordless, non-electric model, featured a candle to warm the lava. The Consort Lava Lite lamp, according to the company's 1970s catalog, was designed with a more masculine look "perfect for the study or den, so right for the executive suite." There was also the Mediterranean Lava Lite lamp, which was decorated with black wrought iron. In addition, Haggerty offers so-called giant lamps, which range in size up to 27 in (68.6 cm) tall.

Why do methane bubbles rise?

gas bubbles increase in size as they rise, due to the pressure of the water around them being less and less the higher they are... think about when you're in a pool and you dive really deep down to the bottom and your ears pop... they only pop when you get very deep down, because the pressure level is higher down so far, therefore the less pressure surrounding the bubbles as they rise means the gas making up the bubble isn't as compressed meaning the area that the gas fills is greater... thus making the bubble bigger

Related questions

How is convection related to the rise and fall of wax in lava lamps?

The heat source typically heats up to high temperatures and this means solid wax lava lamps must melt first.

What are some Lava lamp questions for science projects?

why does the lava sink or rise?

What ingredient helps the lava in a lava lamp rise?

Sorry have no idea?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/

How do you make your homemade rolls rise?

use yeast, or self raising flower.

What happen to gas bubble volume as they rise in water?

As a bubble rises to the surface of a liquid the pressure on it is going DOWN. Therefore the bubble expands, and usually bursts at the surface.

What are facts about a dry ice bubble?

Assuming the bubble occurs in water then the bubble contains almost pure CO2. It should be cooler than the water. and it will rise tothe surface.

What is a lava lamp circulating lava inside itself?

The "lava" in a lava lamp is just melted colored wax. Convection currents cause blobs of the wax to rise and fall in the clear mineral oil mixture.

Why does magma rise through the crust above it?

Pressure builds in the magma chamber forcing it upward through faults in the crust

Are there expressions with the word bubble?

Yes, expressions like "bubble up" meaning to rise to the surface, "living in a bubble" suggesting someone is isolated from reality, and "bursting the bubble" signifying a sudden end to a period of optimism or false hope all use the word "bubble."

Why a small bubble rises slowly through a liquid whereas the bigger bubble rises rapidly?

The strength of the buoyancy of a bubble is in proportion to it's volume. Since a larger bubble has more volume, as a rule, it would rise more rapidly than a small one.

Does air sink in water?

No air or any form of gas will always rise to the surface (as a bubble)

Why an island that is form for a volcano that is erupting doesn't get bigger?

Because most of the lava goes underwater and takes years for the lava to rise up to make an island bigger.