

Why does the human body have different kinds of cells?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Why does the human body have different kinds of cells?
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the human body

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Why are there different kinds of cells in your body?

there are 200 types of cells

What are four kinds of cells in the human body?

There are many different cells in the body that perform different functions, like red and white blood cells. There are also liver, kidney, muscle, bone, brain, nerve, cardiac, and pancreatic cells, and much more!

What kinds of non-human cells make up the human body?

all the cells in the human body are human except bacteria and cells in food consumed for example ameobas and any type of parasite


The cells and human body are not different. The human body is what is referred to as the whole accumulation of cells. However, there can be distinctions, as non-biological items can be present in the body, and foreign objects such as pathogens are not necesarilly cells (definetely not of the host genetics)

What kinds of cells has no nucleus?

Prokaryotic cells have no nucleus. In the human body, mature erythrocytes (red blood cells) have no nucleus.

What are the 4 type of cells in the human body?

There are more than 4 types of cells in the human body. There are about 200 different types of cells. Each cell has a different function.

What are the differences in the DNA in different types of human body cells?

human body system

How many different types of cells does your body contain?

There are only two kinds of cells in our body. One is the Somatic Cells and the other one is Germ Cells/Sex Cells.

How many different specialized cells are in the human body?

There are 250 different types of specialized cells in the human body.

What does all different cell do?

There are too many different kinds of cells in the human body, or the body of any other large animal, to describe what each does in a small place like this. People study for years to learn that.