

Best Answer

The stabbing pain in stomach could be caused due to several reasons. If any organ in the abdominal cavity gets affected, it could result in sharp stomach pains. If you have been experiencing excruciating pain in your stomach every now and then, you must consult a doctor to determine the cause of stomach pain.

Some of the causes of sharp stomach pain are given below:

  • Food Poisoning
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Peptic Ulcers
  • Appendicitis
  • Diverticulitis
  • Gynecological Problems
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Q: Why does the intestine feel like its being stabbed?
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What is it like being stabbed?

It hurts. Depends on what you are being stabbed by. Really, imagine a dagger going through a can of oil.

What does feel like to be stabbed?

It tickles to be honest. Feels good.

What does the small intestine feel like?


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It has a soft but slightly carpet-like feel because of the many microscopic extensions, the microvilli, which absorb nutrients from small intestine.

What happens if you feel youre back is being stabbed?

it happened to me in 2nd grade. in school there was a large stone thing around the patio, and my friends sharped the stick of the ice cream, stabbed me in the back, and like puss or something cumy started getting out. very little, then a little bit of blood, but it penetrated. i then hit the boy and droped him to the floor. it hurted. it doesnt feel like anything special. at first you don't feel anything because of the shock, then you start to feel the real pain. it isn't as you think it is, it isn't like in the movies that they are actually almost dying. it really hurts, yeah, but its not the end of the world. today, 19/4/11 i have been stabbed with a pen by a friend, and it started to bleed a little, it hurted, but not that much. its like hitting you hard in the shoulder. it hurts but then it goes out.

“Why did i randomly start feeling like my toe was being burnt off or stabbed?

blood circulation possibly when cold

What is like to be stabbed?

People get stabbed accidentally or deliberately every day and live to tell about it. This question actually has many answers depending on what you were stabbed with and where you were stabbed. Usually there is a pain factor, a mental recognition of being stabbed, and a reaction to being stabbed. Small wounds like the one you get from nipple piercing, ear piercing and such often hurt for a little while and are acceptable pain for the preferred outcome. Hands, arms and legs are stabbed the most because we use them to defend ourselves. Pain can be small to horrible if they hit a nerve or bone. It is common for people to believe they have only been hit by something when they are stabbed by surprise and many don't feel much after being stabbed in the body. There are virtually no pain sensors inside your chest or abdomen. Most pain sensors are on the surface of your body as a warning that something is wrong and dangerous to you. The heart is the exception - it feels pain. So there is no simple answer. A large blade into a critical organ results in death quickly enough that most pass out and die without much pain. Small blades into muscles like your biceps will hurt like hell and continue hurting until a doctor fixes them up for you. If an artery, the heart or large veins like the ones under your arm or in your groin are punctured, death comes quickly as you bleed out. Blood loss after a stabbing is the most common cause of death. So don't pull out the weapon - it acts like a plug in the hole it made and could save your life after you are stabbed (especially true in the heart).

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