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It is burning -- oxidizing -- just like a piece ofwood placed in a hot fire.

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Q: Why does the magnesium strip light up when placed in hot fire?
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Is magnesium used in light bulbs?

There is no reason to use magnesium in light bulbs. Magnesium readily and easily catches fire and burns -- white hot.

What happens if you set fire to a magnesium ribbon?

when magnesium ribbon is lit on fire it will produce a very bright light that is bad for your eyes and will emit a toxic gas

What can be hot as thermite?

If you light a magnesium ribbon or something the fire produced can probably reach that heat too.

What would happen if you lit 1 cup of magnesium powder on fire?

upon lighting 1 cup of magnesium powder the combustion of the two would be so strong that you could light yourself on fire. In a controlled environment the magnesium would continue to burn until it has been starved of oxygen. i.e. if you put a lid on it the fire would burn up any oxygen in the container and the magnesium will dissipate.

What kind of simple chemical reaction goes on in a firework?

the white bright light produced in fire works is due to burning of magnesium in the presence of oxygen magnesium+oxygen=magnesiumoxide

How did Indians light there pipes?

The Indians used small glowing embers from a fire to light their pipes and sage pots. They also used sticks that were placed into the fire until burning or glowing red to light their pipes.

What should do if your surge strip catches on fire?

If the surge strip catches on fire, unplug it from the wall outlet and use a fire extenguisher or sand to smother the fire.

Why not Magnesem to make a car?

While Magnesium is very light - Cars would be very expensive to make out of Magnesium plus Magnesium is not structurally strong enough to withstand a vehicle collision and - not to be ignored - Magnesium is a metal thst BURNS....and burns very hot - not good if your car caught fire.....Very Unsafe.

What precautions should be taken when burning magnesium?

Magnesium ribbon is not particularly dangerous unless you ignite it. If it does catch fire, it will burn with an intensly bright white light that will burn your retinas if you aren't wearing appropriate eye protection or aren't looking away while it is burning. It is as bad as watching arc welding because of the ultraviolet light emitted. It is good form to wear eye protection in the lab at all times. While you can tear the ribbon with your fingers, it is possible that it could poke you in the eye and scratch your cornea.

What material makes the hottest fire?


What do you get when magnesium reacts with oxygen and fire?

White powdery magnesium oxide and a white hot flame.

When magnesium burns it would be classified as what type of fire?

Class d fire