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The kinetic energy of the falling meteorite depends on its mass. So with greater mass larger kinetic energy. With this larger enegy, it could do more work and so it makes deep on its falling.

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Q: Why does the mass of a meteorite affect the depth of the crater?
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Does the mass effect the depth of a crater?

i dont know ....yet!

When does an inpact crater form?

When a meteorite or a meteor strikes the surface of a celestial body, or it can be any body of mass that is moving fast enough.

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If the meteor survives its passage through the atmosphere and lands on the Earth, it is called a "meteorite". Depending on its mass, velocity, angle, and point of contact; a crater (land) or tsunami (water) may be created.

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When an asteroid enters the Earth's atmosphere, it is considered a meteor. Usually, depending on the size and mass of the asteroid, it will burn up in the Earth's atmosphere. If it is really big, or high in mass, or both, it will penetrate the atmosphere, thus making an impact crater on Earth. When it does this, it is now considered a meteorite.

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When the meteorite hit Earth and killed the dinosaurs.

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A planet is a spherical body that has an elliptical orbit around a certain mass, while a meteorite is a small chunk of rock that is hurtling through space with no orbit towards any mass.

What determines the size and shape of a crater?

Assuming the question refers to the crater of an astrobleme, as opposed to a volcanic crater or a man-made one, the mass, velocity and angle of the the impacting object.

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A meteoroid is a small mass of something moving through space. A meteorite is defined as a piece of such that actually lands on Earth.

What is a stony or metallic mass that falls to the Earth's surface from outer Space?

it is called meteorite

What was the cretaceous-tertiary event?

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