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It doesn't, by any means. The weather is far more severe, and the seasonal changes

are far more drastic, in the high-latitude zones than in any other.

Just in my personal experience, for example, I have worked at the same high-latitude

location on two separate occasions. During the first job, the average daily temperature

was around negative 45° F, we got roughly one hour of daylight out of every 24, and

I drove a truck deep into the side of a snowdrift that towered so far over the truck

that I never noticed the top of it. During the second job, the temperature peaked in

the mid 80s each afternoon, and it never got dark at all.

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mid-latitude or moderate climates are found in the middle latitudes of the northern and southern hemispheres

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Every location of the surface of the earth, as well as on every planet in the universe has a temperature and climate.

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Q: Why does the mid-latitude zone have more severe weather and seasonal changes than the low or high latitude zones?
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The midlatitudes climates experience variable weather patterns and seasonal changes that give rise to a variety of natural vegetation.

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Water cycle helps in seasonal changes. The weather gets affected when it rains.

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A woody root is composed of with secondary xylem. This allows for plants to grow through seasonal changes of the weather.

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No. Weather changes happen in short time and can be predicted with a certain accuracy based on atmospheric behavior. Climate changes are changes in a long period of time that can be estimated with a certain degree of prediction based on weather behaviors and other many factors including water temperatures, atmospheric behavior, deforestation, industrialization, seasonal variations etc.

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What are seasonal changes?

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