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The military uses robots for a large number of reasons, with bomb disposal, combat, and air strikes being very notable uses.

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Q: Why does the military use robots?
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What are names of a robot?

There are humanoid robots, military robots, insect robots, and space robots. There are more kinds of robots too.

What are some types of robots?

Military, Cleaning, Space Robots

Why did the military start using robots?

There are many reasons why the military started using robots. I have mainly heard that they are used for extra cameras and extra force. There have been many robots made to search for specific types of harm. This makes it easier for Military Control Centers to know where they need to strengthen their military. I have also seen videos of robots that have specific types of weapons attached that either humans can't use, or the robots can make the shooting range more accurate than humans. Hope that helps some!

Did any satellites or robots explore earth and in which year?

satellites are in use to find ruins, Old camps, Etc in rain forests. As for robots i am not sure about in the wilderness the military does have robots that can map out buildings on its own and come back to the operator.

Do military robots have flexible joints?


Where can you buy giant robots?

I dont think you can. The military is still making human sized robots!

What are the advantages and disadvantages of american military robots?

Advantage- Keeps soldiers out of danger by replacing some of their jobs with robots Disadvantage- Robots are expensive

What are the uses of robots in the military?

the military uses robots for a large number of reasons, with bomb disposal, combat, and air strikes being very notable uses

What are the disadvantages of military robots?

Some disadvantages of military robots are their cost, lack of intelligence, and difficulty in programming. Unlike soldiers, they require close monitoring to ensure they function properly.

Who invented military robots?

Smart people like scientists.

How does the military use robots?

Lots of ways:Drones are form of robotics.There are special robots used to disarm bombsThere are used to investigate thing underwater and in dangerous situationsSome are equipped to fight fires in spaces on ships and around aircraft.

What industries use robots and how?

Car industries use robots, If that's what you mean. If not :)