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Possibly because the mob realized Scout's innocence in her attempt at conversation so they left

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The mob often shows up at the jail to intimidate witnesses or seek revenge against informants who may have cooperated with law enforcement. They may also be there to assert their influence and control over criminal activities within the prison system.

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Q: Why does the mob show up at the jail?
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What are the release dates for Movie Mob - 2007 The Mob Reviews 'Madea Goes to Jail' and 'Fired Up' 2-23?

Movie Mob - 2007 The Mob Reviews 'Madea Goes to Jail' and 'Fired Up' 2-23 was released on: USA: 23 February 2009

In the book To Kill a Mockingbird who does scout recognize in the mob at the jail?

Scout recognizes Mr. Cunningham in the mob at the jail, and she talks to him, appealing to his sense of decency and humanity to break up the mob and prevent them from carrying out any violence.

Why does the mob show up at the jail in to kill a mockingbird?

The mob shows up at the jail in "To Kill a Mockingbird" to take matters into their own hands and seek violent retribution against Tom Robinson, who is accused of raping a white woman. They do not believe in a fair trial or justice being served through legal means. Their actions symbolize the deep-rooted racism and prejudice prevalent in the town.

Where is tom during the time that Atticus faces the mob downtown?

Tom is in the Maycomb County Jail during the time that Atticus faces the mob downtown.

What is jail in Mafia Wars?

There might be a jail on Mob Wars but on Mafia Wars for MySpace or Facebook there is no jail.

In To Kill a Mockingbird why does Walter Cunningham Sr come to the jail?

Walter Cunningham Sr. comes to the jail with a group of men from the Old Sarum area to lynch Tom Robinson. He is part of a mob intent on seeking vigilante justice against Tom Robinson. Atticus Finch stands guard at the jail to protect Tom Robinson from the angry mob.

Who does scout recognize in the mob at the jail?


How was Jimmy Hoffa involoved with the mob?

Jimmy Hoffa, as president of the IBT (International Brotherhood of Teamsters) took profits from the union and "invested it in the Mob who was basically building Las Vegas at the time. He was thrown in jail for dealing with the mob and was thenm murdered by the mob because they were scared he would give them up in order for him to return as president of the IBT

Is one of the men in the mob outside the jail at night is Walter Cunningham from harming her father?

Yes, one of the men in the mob outside the jail is indeed Walter Cunningham. However, he is there with a group of men to protect Atticus Finch from harm and ensure that the mob does not cause any violence. Walter Cunningham ultimately respects Atticus and chooses to disperse the mob peacefully.

What is the name of the head of the mob?

Nobody knows. The heads of the Mob keep a strict confidentiality, because if anyone were to find out, they would land in jail for life.

What kind of trouble begins to happen first at the Finch house and then at the jail?

At the Finch house, trouble begins when Scout and Jem are harassed by Bob Ewell following the trial, putting them in harm's way. At the jail, trouble starts when a mob arrives to lynch Tom Robinson, but is diffused by Scout's innocent conversation with Mr. Cunningham.

Why does Atticus sit outside Tom Robinson's jail cell?

Atticus went to go stay outside the jail that night because he was Tom Robinson's lawyer. Tom Robinson was staying in the jail the night before the trial, and Atticus wanted to make sure he was safe. Scout and Jem notice there father has suspiciously left the house that night so they follow him to the jail. A mob of white, unfamiliar men come to the jail and tell Atticus to move away from the jail house door. He refuses. (These men were most likely a lynch mob, Klu Kux Klan) Right then Scout jumos out and tell the men to leave her father alone. She notices Walter Cunningham in the crowd, and she go's up to him and tells Mr. Cunningham to tell his song that she said hi. Because of Scouts dissruptance, the mob leaves and Atticus and TOm ROobinson were saved. Hope this helped