

Why does the moon appear to be larger than the planets?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The moon appears much larger than the planets because it is closer.

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Q: Why does the moon appear to be larger than the planets?
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What two planets are larger than the moon?

Actually all the current planets are larger than our moon.

Are other planets moons larger than terrestrial planets?

Two are: Jupiter's moon Ganymede and Saturn's moon Titan are larger than Mercury.

Which planets larger than earth has a moon?

All of the planets larger than Earth have several moons.Mercury and Venus are the only planets for which no satelliteshave been discovered.

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Yes. All planets in the solar system are larger than the moon. Neptune is many times larger than the moon.

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The Moon is much closer to Earth than the Sun is, therefore making the moon appear to be as large or larger than the sun when viewed from Earth.

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yes it con be you should know that by now

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because they're way closer than the stars

How is Earth's moon different then moons of other planets?

Earth's moon is very large in proportion to its planet. It is just over one quarter of Earth's diameter. While several moons in the solar system are larger than our moon, they orbit much larger planets.

Will Mars be as large as the moon in August?

Mars is always larger than the moon. However, I think you mean will it appear bigger than our moon. No - never - not even close.

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In our solar system, the known objects larger than the moon are the sun, all eight planets, and the moons Ganymede, Titan, Callisto, and Io.

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Ganymede is the largest moon of Jupiter, it is bigger than mercury and also Pluto. Pluto is no longer a planet

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