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Atoms do not always contain the same number

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Anisa Rahman

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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βˆ™ 3y ago

I don’t know

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Does the number of atoms entering the reaction stay the same as the number put out by the reaction?

Chemical reactions do not change the number of atoms so yes, the number of atoms stays the same.

Does all the atoms in a compound stay the same?

Stay the same as....?. When combining they may share/donate electron(s) to neighbouring atoms.

What is the principle called of the conservation of matter'?

In chemical reactions the number of atoms stay the same no matter how they are arranged. So, their total mass stays the same.

How many atoms do elements have in a liquid phase?

The amount of atoms stay the same. The element does not change chemically only physically.

What happen to the bonding of atoms in a physical change?

Nothing happens, all stay the same.

Do the numbers of atoms increase or decrease after the chemical reaction?

The total number of atoms remains constant in a chemical reaction due to the law of conservation of mass. Atoms are rearranged to form new molecules, but the total number of each type of atom remains the same before and after the reaction.

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Yes they do

Why don't elements stay the same if they lose a proton?

The element won't stay the same because the element is determined by its number of protons. The number of protons is also the atomic number.

Of a number, the results of dividing one by that number?

the number would stay the same

Is the mass of an object more less when it is hot?

It would stay the same unless some atoms escaped.

When ice turns to water does the link up of atoms stay the same or change?

The molecule remain unchanged.

What is an identity property of addition?

If you add zero to a number, the number will stay the same.