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Q: Why does the pencil in a glass of water appear bent?
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Does a pencil remain the same when it is dipped in a glass of water?

Physically, the pencil remains a straight pencil. Optically, due to the refraction effect of water, the pencil will appear to be bent.

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A pencil in water looks bent because of refraction. when light enters a substance with a different density than the one it came out of, the light either slows down or speeds up. this makes the light appear bent. If there is a pencil in the water, it appears bent because the light is traveling at different speeds through water and air.

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Why do a pencil appear to be bent or broken when seen through the side of the glass?

Because of refraction of light

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Do a pencil partically immersed in water appear bent because of diffraction of light?


How does water affect the viewer's image of an object that is above the water's surface?

Any light rays crossing the air-water border will be refracted, that is, bent. So, objects above the water will appear displaced. In other words, they will appear to be where they are not. You can see this phenomenon by placing a pencil in a glass of water. The pencil appears broken and discontinuous. This optical illusion is due to refraction.

Why does a straw appear to be bent in a glass of water?

This is due to the principle of refraction. Refraction occurs at the boundary of the two media air and water. When a light ray hits this boundary at an angle, it changes direction and seems to bend. So. the straw appear bent when we look at it through the water glass because light is being bent as it passes through the different media of air, water, and the glass.

Why does a pencil appear bent in a cup of water?

This is due to apparent shift in the position of pencil when viewed from a rarer to denser medium. This is also on account of refraction of light.

Part of a pencil that is placed in a glass of water appears bent in relation to the part of the pencil that extends out of the water What is this phenomenon called?

Caused by refraction. The same effect causes a depth of water to be smaller than it really is.

What is the conclusion of broken pencil?

-the pencil looks broken & bent in water. - the pencil looks bent, because of the refraction of light, that causes that to happen. -pencil looks really thick, in water.

Why does the sun look little oval at the horizon?

Refraction. It's basically the same reason a pencil put in a glass of water appears to be "bent".