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  • Cheating in itself is selfish; demeaning to the partner; breaking the bond of trust you once had together. Cheating is not a way to resolve marriage problems and every effort should have been made to try to save the marriage and if it couldn't be save then get a divorce so you are free to date whomever you choose. Since you chose to cheat then you take the risks of either being stalked by a lover you are having an affair with; someone that loves you enough to fight for you or, the lover walking away and possibly destroying any hopes of saving your marriage. The person who is having an affair with you has nothing to lose (you do) and may get a kick out of playing risky games and gloating a secret over your husband. Think about t this ... how would you like your husband to have a young woman on side and this was happening to you? This man you are having an affair with is either in love with you enough to try and pressure you to be with him or he's a game player and taking risks. Either way, you lose.
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Because you are regretting it.

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Q: Why does the person you are having an affair with makes his presence known when you are with your spouse?
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Can you sue your spouse for having an affair?

There is no need to sue your spouse, but you do have the right to file for divorce and in some states half of what he owns will go to you if you have the right lawyer. The person your spouse is having the affair with can be named as to the reason you are applying for a divorce. It would be wise of you to seek legal counsel to see what your options are.

How can you tell if the affair you are having is turning into love?

You are in a dangerous situation. If the person you are having an affair with is cheating on their spouse, you must examine the possibility of that same person cheating on you with yet another person. Those who cheat on their spouses have no clue what a solid relationship is all about, and engaging in a love relationship with someone like that is probably not a good idea at all. In addition to the above remember that this is an affair and you, them or both of you already have a spouse and in most cases this is just something on the side and someone does not want to leave their spouse especially for someone that is willing to have an affair.

Why do extramarital affairs end?

Because it will not be helpful for the couples who's having a problem. And if the spouse didn't stop, he will loose a lot more that he expected. And the worst case scenario the spouse who's having an affair will become closer to the other person.

What can you do if my spouse who had an affair still commincates with the other?

Nothing. It is strange that your spouse still communicates with the person she had an affair with, but aslong as it is just words and not actions, it is still acceptable.

I had a cyber affair. Now its over my husband stopped calling me. Why?

Having an affair can be emotionally devastating for one's spouse. So, it is not surprising that a person's spouse would ignore them after they learned of an affair. To make a marriage work following infidelity, both parties need to be willing to work it out, and they should likely attend couple's therapy.

Why can't we blame the spouse from their affair instead of the other woman?

You should be able to blame your spouse fully, since he/she allgedly cheated on you, whether the person they had the affair with realized it or not.

Can you overcome the emotional turmoil of finding out your spouse has been having emotional affair?


What does having an affair mean?

It means your married and seeing someone other than your spouse.

Will a spouse accept responsibility after his affairs?

That depends entirely on the person, his reasosn for having the affair, wether or not he feels bad about it, etc. Accepting responsibility for the affair really isn't the issue in the end, the issue is wether or not he will continue to rationalize hurting his spouse when the next chance to have a fling comes along.

Is affair a wake up call or a death knell for a marriage?

Often it is a wake up call that something is missing your marriage either by your spouse; yourself or both of you. Marriage takes hard work and some marriages end up with one; both spouses having affairs and if they truly love each other marriage counseling does help and since both of you took your marriage vows you need to realize people are just human and if this is a first affair then the marriage is still worth saving. However, if the spouse continues to have affairs then it is the death of the marriage.

How you can save marriages for married lovers having affair outside their marriages?

dont cheat on your spouse. just tell the person your interested in someone else...cheating is disgusting, disrespectful, and stupid.

You have found out someone cheated on spouse visa what should you do now?

Your question is a bit complex but if you want to know what you need to do because you found out a spouse is having an affair and you know the other spouse, you need to talk to the person who is cheating to stop because of your friend. If this spouse don't listen to your plea, then tell him or her that you will talk to his or her spouse. That is all you can do. The rest will be them to work things out.