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Phosphorus is essential for all living things as it is constituent of protoplasm. It is available to the plants in the form of Phosphates it is necessary to assist the transfer of food around the plant and encourages healthy roots.

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it's needed for making roots.

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Q: Why does the plant need phosphorus for?
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Describe the three main plant nutrients in fertile soil?

THey are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Is phosphorus good for soil?

Phosphorus is an essential component in soil but if you put to much it can kill the plant in the soil. Phosphorus does not enter the atmosphere, remaining mostly on land and in rock and soil minerals. 80 percent of the phosphorus is used to make fertilizers.It acts as a prominent nutrient in soil.However, excessive amounts of phosphorus is detrimental .

What would a plant look like that is lacking phosphorus?

A plant lacking phosphorus would show delay in seed germination, purple or red spots on leaves, dark green leaves, and premature fall of leaves and flower buds.

How do you add phosphorus to plants?

The most essential role of phosphorus in plants is to store energy and provide it again plant cells when they needed it. This is done through complex organic molecules commonly referred to as ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Why do farmers use fertilizer with phosphates?

It is to promote plant fruiting and seeding that farmers use fertilizer with phosphates.Specifically, farm crops have to develop into mature plants that yield quality products. They must have strong roots for taking in necessary nutrients. They need fruits and seeds to ripen in the proper colors, shapes and tastes. Phosphorus promotes these important aspects of plant growth. In fact, it directly supports all plant life processes. Phosphates put phosphorus in the soil for intake by roots. They replenish phosphorus that easily is lost through erosion, leaching or surface run off.

Related questions

How is phosphorus available to the plant?

Phosphorus is taken in as phosphates and is needed to make chemicals for the transfer of energy in photosysthesis and respiration. Without phosphorus a plant shows poor growth.

Why do plants need phosphorus?

Plants need phosphorus to support various essential functions, such as photosynthesis, energy transfer, and DNA synthesis. Phosphorus is a key component of ATP, which is the main energy source for cellular processes in plants. Additionally, phosphorus is important for root development and overall plant growth.

What are three essential nutrients needed for plant growth?

three primary nutrients which plant need for their growth are : 1.NITROGEN (N) 2.PHOSPHORUS (P) 3.POTTASIUM (K)

What happens to a plant if it lacks phosphorus?

Phosphorus is one of the 16-17 nutrients that are necessary for healthy plants and soils. Artificial, commercial, conventional, synthetic fertilizers recognize the critical role of phosphorus in plant growth. For they are called N-P-K fertilizers, because of their emphasis on the proportions of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. A phosphorus deficiency shows up in a lack of overall good plant health. For example, plant growth may be stunted.

What happens when a plant lacks phosphorus?

Plants that lack phosphorus don't grow. Specifically, phosphorus is one of the three main nutrients that give plants a good start on life. Nitrogen promotes above ground growth of shoots that we call leaves and stems. Phosphorus promotes below ground growth of roots. Potassium promotes flowering and fruiting. As with people, plants need to be fed to carry out their activities. They take their nutrients and water in through their roots. So no roots = no food = no growth = no plant.

What is plant macronurients?

NPK nitrogen, pottasium, phosphorus

How are nutrients important to plant growth?

Nutrients are food therefore they need food to survive.Hi, There are three important nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassinitrogen.

What does a cactus plant need to flower?

A cactus plant needs dissolved nutrients from the soil in order to flower. Of particular need are potassium and especially phosphorus. A cactus also needs pollinators. And it needs a rainfall, to burst suddenly into colorful bloom.

Effect of phosphorus on the growth and yield of mustard?

Phosphorus is a macro-element for plant growth. If the soils are deficient in phosphorus where mustard is growing, application of phosphorus in the form of rock phosphate will enhance the growth and yield.

What are two essential plant nutrients?

Nitrogen Potassium Phosphorus

What does the phosphorus in plant fertilizers do for plants?

The most essential role of phosphorus in plants is to store energy and provide it again plant cells when they needed it. This is done through complex organic molecules commonly referred to as ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

What crops need phosphorus?

All crops need at least some phosphorus. It's one of the major crop nutrients.