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as you go more beneath the ocean it has more preasure at a point even metal can get crushed

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Q: Why does the pressure make it difficult to explore the ocean depths?
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the ocean salinnity

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What type vehicle would scientists commonly need to be able to explore depths of the ocean?

the answer is a rovs

What factors makes it difficult to explore the ocean floor?

No one can go that far down to the ocean because it would be to much pressure. May your head could blow that's how much pressure it would be.

How have people explored the deep ocean?

no we cannont explore the sea depths only explores can explore the sea depths becos they are sharks wahles and others dangerous sea creatures

Why are some of the living organisms not classified as animals?

Much of the earth is still being explored. The deep jungle for instance is very difficult to get to, and modern technology does not help much because to use it we would have to destroy much of the jungle. The deep ocean is another example. Only one expedition has put man in the deepest depths of the ocean while we have been putting men in space for years. The creatures in the deepest depths of the ocean are almost completely unknown to us because of this. The reason the depths of the ocean are so difficult to explore is because of water. For every 33 feet you descend below the surface of water, you double the pressure. 1 atmosphere is the normal atmospheric pressure at sea level. in space we experience 0 atmospheric pressure. The challenger deep, the deepest known location in the ocean, you are almost 7 miles under water, or about 36,000 feet, which leaves the pressure of all the water over you at 1,086 bars, or 1,086 times atmospheric pressure.

What types of technology have been developed by canadians to explore the ocean depths?

was a wise man once said use your brain

What is true about the deepest part of the ocean floor?

The deepest parts of oceans are dark all the time because natural light does not penetrate to the ocean depths. Little is known about life in the depths of the ocean. More is known about the moon than the depths of the oceans. Water pressure is great, the temperature is constant.

When deep-sea divers explore the ocean at great depths nitrogen becomes 10 to 100 times more soluble in the blood. A disorder called the bends occurs when nitrogen bubbles out of the blood because of?

Rapid decrease in pressure.

Why is a submersible needed to descend to the bottom parts of the ocean?

A submersible has to be used, as it has been built specially to withstand the tremendous pressure in the deep ocean depths.

What part of the planet is the least explored?

The deepest parts of the ocean, known as the hadal zone, are the least explored areas on the planet. These include areas such as the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean, which has only been reached by a handful of manned submersible missions. The extreme depths, pressure, and darkness make it a challenging environment to explore fully.

What is true about the deepest parts of the ocean floor?

The deepest parts of oceans are dark all the time because natural light does not penetrate to the ocean depths. Little is known about life in the depths of the ocean. More is known about the moon than the depths of the oceans. Water pressure is great, the temperature is constant.