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Whilst I agree with the technicalities of the legality, and propriety ownership of swans by the crown in the Uk. I do disagree with the previous poster on how palatable swan is.

It is extremely fishy, oily meat, and, whilst pre-victorian era UK gentry considered it a delicacy, by the time Victoria came to the throne, it had fallen out of favour. So, whilst Cygnets are owned by the Crown (note, CROWN, not Queen Elizabeth herself. (Subtle, but important)) and to eat them is, technically, treason in the UK, they do not taste very nice to a modern palette.

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Q: Why does the queen own the swans?
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Does the Queen of England own the Forests in England?

No, but she own all the swans, so if you kill one you got to jail. :)

What animals are protected by the queen?

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Who owns the white swans?

The queen of Britain owns the white swans.

Who do almost all mute swans in The UK belong to?

the queen! most swans belong to her!

Who will own the swans when the queen abdicates?

Well the King Charles is next in line but when he either Resigns or Departs us he will then hand the thrown over to prince William (the duke of cambridge) and the swans shall follow :)

Does the queen use swans necks as toilet roll?

No, this is a myth. Swans are protected in the UK, and it would be illegal to harm them in any way. The Queen uses regular toilet paper like everyone else.

Why are rosalind and celia called Juno swans in as you like it?

Juno Swans: In Greek and Roman mythology, swans drew the chariot of Venus, goddess of love. In this mythology swans were not associated with Juno whose scared birds was the peacock. On the other hand ,swans were the royal birds(those on the River Thames are still owned by the Queen),and perhaps this is why Shakespeare made a mistake and attached them to juno,queen of the godsRosalind and Celia called is Juno swans because these swans were always together and united just like these two cousins

Are swans secretly MI5 drones sent to spy on us by the Queen?

Of course not!

Did Queen Victoria owned any Victoria Crowned Pigeons?

No, just swans

Where do baby swans sleep until they are grown?

Baby swans sleep with their mothers in their nest until they're ready to go out on their own.

Who eats a swans?

It is possible to eat swan, and it is supposed to be very tasty, but it is illegal. All the wild mute swans in the UK are the property of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and are protected. Other swans are protected by law too. Therefore, although they make a delicious meal, swans are protected by law and it would be very much against the law to eat one. yes if you want to... but it's illegal.

What is the trumpeter swans habitat?

the trumpeter swans natural habitat is the wetlands of anywhere