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This is one of those odd circular situations where the definition is included in the observation. We scientists have to view the Earth, its gravitational well and atmosphere as a "closed system" to be able to handle the variables (among other considerations). A closed system assumes that nothing comes in or goes out (this obviously does not include things like meteorites, extraterrestrial probes, solar wind or the Hydrogen that escapes the gravitational well on a regular basis). Therefore, all water in the Earth's system has to stay here, and we have come up with observations like "what goes up must come down". Water molecules that evaporate go up, but they are too heavy to escape the gravitational attraction of the Earth by themselves so they must come down somewhere (Keep in mind that the higher it goes and the longer it stays up there, the less likely it comes down in the same place).

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15y ago
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14y ago

It is saturation.


The answer is The Dew Point. *Thanks tew the wonderful Earth Science textbook :)*

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10y ago

it forms into clouds

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Q: Why does the rate of evaporation equal that of precipitation?
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What in dry climates rate of evaporation exceed?

rates of precipitation

What in a dynamic equilibrium between the liquid state and the gas state the rate of evaporation is?

the rate of evaporation will be equal to the rate of condensation

Which defines a biome as a desert?

a rate of evaporation higher than precipitation

In which biome do the evaporation rates exceed the precipitation rates?

The deserts biome is an example where evaporation rates often exceed precipitation rates. These regions receive limited rainfall, resulting in higher evaporation due to the intense heat and lack of moisture in the air.

How does the total amount of global preciptation compare to the total amount of global evaporation?

Precipitation and evaporation are equal.

How does the desert get rain but it is still dry?

The evaporation rate of a desert is much greater than the precipitation rate.

What is the name of the area where the annual rate of evaporation exceeds the rate of precipitation?

it is called desert because there is high level of sunshine and of course evaporation with little rain.

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State in which the rate of dissolving is equal to the rate of precipitation?

This is called equilibrium.

What are some good desert facts?

Deserts receive less tha 10 inches (250mm) of precipitation per year. Deserts have an evaporation rate that far exceeds the precipitation rate.

What is the state in which the rate of dissolving is equal to the rate of precipitation?

The state where the rate of dissolving is equal to the rate of precipitation is called equilibrium. This means that the amount of solute being dissolved is equal to the amount being deposited back as a solid.

Can evaporation occur in a closed container?

Yes, evaporation can still occur in a closed container, but the rate of evaporation will eventually slow down because the amount of water vapor in the container will reach an equilibrium with the liquid water. At this point, the rate of condensation will equal the rate of evaporation.