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Because that this where the fine grained river load end up and if the water the river disgorges into is still this sediment sinks and settles.

Further, when a river disgorges into saltwater the, the ionic balance changes and causes the suspended river particles to floculate and settle out of the water column.

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13y ago

i dont reall now im 10 but i thing coes how it moves an it cales it to fram

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Q: Why does the sediment build up in the delta?
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Sentence of sediment?

Sediment is the collection of particles like sand, silt, and clay that settle at the bottom of bodies of water or accumulate on land.

Which river does not form any delta at its mouth?

A river which arrives at the sea which has a high tidal range will not form a delta. This is because the change in the tidal area will wash the sediment brought down by the river away. It is the build up of sediment brought down by the river into a relatively tideless sea which forms the delta.

What is the first step of forming a delta?

A river delta begins to form when deposition of sediment and vegetation build up at the river mouth. The main river becomes split into many smaller streams. Examples can be seen on the Nile delta, the Mississippi Delta. With the world's largest delta being on the River Ganges.

What is a build up of sedimentary particles usually occurring at the mouth of a river?

A delta. The sediment settles there because of the slowing of the river, causing gravity to overpower the momentum of the flow of water.

A fan shaped landmass made from built up sediment is called what?

A Delta

What do sand dunes and delta have in common?

they are both formed when wind or water picks up sediment

Is a delta formed by weathering or erosion?

Contrary to your question, it is formed by deposition. When a river reaches a lake or the sea, water slows down and loses the power to carry sediment . The sediment is dropped at the mouth of the river, and sediment builds up in layers, forming a delta.

How do use sediment in a sentence?

As I looked longingly at the the silt-laden delta, I was stricken by my sentiment for the sediment I saw. The sediment, you see, had been built up over a number of years.

Sediment deposited where a river flows into an ocean?

yes it is called a delta

What is a delta created by?

Deltas are created when a thick river with slowing meanders deposit the sediment and rocks build up and create new land. This new land causes the river or stream to break apart and creates branches. A delta is now created.

What can happen when sediment and decaying organisms build up in a pond.?


What are 2 ways that sediments build up?

Sediment can build up because of the wind or water.