

Why does the shaduf have a weight on the end?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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to counterbalance the weight of the water bucket and make for easier lifting

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Q: Why does the shaduf have a weight on the end?
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What invention of the Egyptians helped them get Nile water to their crops?

the shaduf. canals were dug from the crop area to the Nile and a shaduf was like a giant lever. it had a bucket attached to one end and a weight attached to the other to counterbalance the weight of the full bucket. it was mounted on two posts above the ground

What materials were used to make the Egyptian shaduf?

Usually sticks, rope, a bucket made out of animal skin and a lump of mud or clay to act as the counterweight.

Why was the Egyptian shaduf important?

A shaduf is an irrigation tool. The shaduf is important for traditional water techniques.

What are the three parts of a shaduf?

what are the three parts of a shaduf

What does a shaduf look like?

This is what a shaduf looks like

What simiple machine is a shaduf?

the shaduf is an example of an inclined plane

Who used a shaduf first?

The ancient Egyptians were the first to use a shaduf, which is a simple irrigation tool used to lift water from a lower level to a higher level. It consisted of a long pole balanced on a support, with a bucket or container attached to one end and a counterweight at the other end.

Why is there a heavy weight on a shaduf?

because it pulls up the bucket once it is filled with water enabling you to tip its contents onto the field.

What was the shaduf used for in ancient Egypt?

i do not think this is a question that could be answered by anyone unless there is evidence between all the ancient Egyptian stuff about who made it which i do not think there is but who knows this world is full of surprises

What are some words about ancient Egypt?

Farming, crops, hoeing, low stools, shaduf Farming, crops, hoeing, low stools, shaduf Farming, crops, hoeing, low stools, shaduf

How is a shaduf made out of?


In what country did shaduf originate?

The shaduf originated in ancient Egypt. It is a manual irrigation device used to lift water from a lower to a higher level using a lever and counterweight system.