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Q: Why does the shape and texture of of squids gills promote gas diffusion?
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Do squids have gills?

Yes, Squids have gills. They need them to breathe underwater. There's different kinds of squids and therefore different kinds of gills that they have but generally they have a total of 4 gills, 2 on each side. On a sidenote to the previous answer: Squids are NOT fish.

How do squids obtain oxygen?

They get oxygen from their gills.

Do squids have lungs or gills?

they have lungs or none

What does the structure of the squids gills do?

it's WA WA wawa wat

How do squids breathe?

Squid breathe through gills. Water flows into the mantle and around the gills, which absorb oxygen from the water and release carbon dioxide.

Do squid breathe through their lungs?

Squids don't have lungs. They have something that works like gills.

Where do giant squids breath from?

Giant squid, like all other squid, have gills. So they "breathe" from them.

Where does diffusion occur in fish?

Fish use diffusion and osmosis to keep their tissue healthy. Diffusion starts in the gills and for some small molecules can happen in the gut walls as well.

How are gases exchanged in both sponges and cnidarians?

Cnidaria don't have gills or lungs, but they take in oxygen from surrounding water through diffusion.

Why do squids have 3 hearts?

squid have 3 hearts, they have one that pumps blood to either side of their gills and these two hearts surround the main heart (systemic heart) that pumps blood to the rest of the squids body

Why are gills only a few cells thick?

probably to facilitate diffusion of molecular oxygen from the air into the fish's bloodstream

What is an axolotl's gas exchanges?

Axolotl breathe using gills. Oxygen is absorbed from the water. Carbon DIoxide is released into water via diffusion.