

Why does the sky turn purple?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Manganese in the glass causes it to turn purple when exposed to prolonged periods of sunlight.

Around 1915 they stopped adding manganese in the glass. After this date it remains clear.

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Q: Why does the sky turn purple?
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Can the Sky turn Purple?

yes it can if a scientific science tis shots a purple laser to the sky

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Dyeing the sea purple would not automatically turn the sky purple. The color of the sky is primarily influenced by atmospheric conditions, such as scattering of sunlight by air particles, not by the color of the water.

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it is purple(on purple tuesday's)

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It would have helped if you had given the artist. One song that refers to a purple sky is Purple Sky by Kid Rock. Another is Purple Sky by Greyson Chance.Another song with both the words sky and purple is Henry & Purple by Mike Posner.

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yeah there is actually... just wait for the sky to turn pink,purple or orange

Why does the sky turn purple when lightning strikes?

I believe you ask that because you have seen lightning at night, lightning is the color white and a little yellow, so then when it flashes, the light lightens up the darkness of the sky making it a little purple.

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Yes, cyclones can cause all three things to happen: 1) sound like a terrible roar 2) cause the sky to turn purple 3) make cattle stampede

Why isn't the sky purple?

Because the color purple is just too cool for the sky

Is doubt a verb?

Yes. Verb are parts of speech in which something is happening. "I doubt that the sky is purple."If you are confused, use these as your examplesKnowledge= nounSilly= adjectiveKnow= verbSo you can replace doubt in that sentence with the others."I knowledge that the sky is purple." Nope."I silly that the sky is purple." Nopers."I know that the sky is purple." Yes!The last sentence is the most accurate. We all know that the sky isn't purple, but it fits. So you can go back and say, "I doubt that the sky is purple."

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What is the true colors of the sky?

the true color of sky is purple its because our eyes is friendly in color blue that is why we look at the sky blue. but it is totally purple.