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Because the uteris is connected to the collarbone which connects to the spine which runs down from C2 to D2 to L2 and etx and so it keeps and eventually it ends at L2.

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Q: Why does the spinal cord end at L2?
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Where is the conus medullaris located in adults?

The conus medullaris, the terminal end of the spinal cord, is located near L1 and L2.

What inferior boundary of the spinal cord is at the level of the vertebra?

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What is the conus medullaris attaching to?

The conus medullaris is the terminal end of the spinal cord. It occurs near lumbar nerves 1 (L1) and 2 (L2). After the spinal cord terminates, the spinal nerves continue as dangling nerves called the cauda equina. The upper end of the conus medullaris is usually not well defined.For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section ( indicated below.

What level does the spinal cord finish in an adult?

Lumbar Vertebra 3

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It means the end of your spinal cord is just where it should be and doesn't appear to have any problems.

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Tethered Spinal Cord is a condition where the spinal cord is attached to the spinal column and that causes the cord to become stretched.

Where in the body does the spinal cord end?

The spinal cord ends at the level of the first lumbar vertebra, which is just below the level of the ribs.

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Distal to the end of the spinal cord.

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The cauda equina is the end of the spinal cord that fans out like a horse's tail.

What does Conus medullaris terminates at t12-l1mean?

Conus medullaris is the lower end of the spinal cord. L1 is level 1 of the lumbar vertebral. T12 refers to the 12 thoracic pairs. It shows the position at the spinal cord where the conus medullaris ends.