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The Sun doesn't really change color, it just appears that way. When the Sun is lower, closer to the horizon, the white light has to travel through more of the Earth's atmosphere. Refraction scatters the blue end of the spectrum more (which is why the sky is blue). The red color of light is scattered the least, and that is what you see on the horizon and in clouds.

Smoke, as from forest fires, makes the Sun look red for the same reason. The ash clouds from the Mount St. Helens volcanic eruption provided some of the most beautiful sunsets for a long time afterward.

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1mo ago

During sunrise and sunset, the sun's light passes through more of the Earth's atmosphere, which scatters shorter blue and green wavelengths, leaving behind longer red wavelengths that we perceive as a red sun. This scattering effect is amplified when the sun is at a lower angle in the sky.

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12y ago

The Sun is actually a white when seen from space

All the other colors that the Sun gives off are scattered by the atmosphere. Colours with a shorter wavelength (like blue) are more easily scattered leaving only red and green, which together look yellow or orange.

This is also why the sky is blue. The scattered blue light approaches you from all directions, so the sky looks blue.

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Q: Why does the sun appear red at the time of sunrise and sunset?
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Sunrise and sunset may take longer if the sun were a red giant due to its larger size. The sun's expansion into a red giant would cause Earth to be engulfed, so the concept of sunrise and sunset would be moot.

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What process makes the sun appear red at sunset?

Refraction. At sunset/sunrise the sunlight passes through a lot of the atmosphere to get to the observer. All that air acts as a prism, bending the light, and blue light bends easier than red light. This means the blue light is bent more, and away from the observer, leaving only the red light behind.

Why do ocean waters appear blue and skies at sunset appear red?

due to scattering of light .........

Why is the sunset more colorful than the sunrise?

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Sunset in November 2009 in South Carolina?

In November 2009, the sunset times in South Carolina would have varied, but generally occurred around 5:00-5:30 pm. The sunset would have showcased a mix of warm colors like red, orange, and pink against the horizon. The weather conditions and atmospheric elements could have influenced the specific appearance of that day's sunset.

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Sunlight is effectively "white light", and the yellow color is produced by the scattering of light by the atmosphere. This is easily seen near sunrise and sunset, where the additional atmospheric distance and angle make the Sun appear red.

Do red foxes live in Port Washington NY?

Yes i have seen a red fox by the Sousa school after sunset and at sunrise 3 times in the last month

What are the colors you see at sunrise and sunset?

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