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As the water evaporates it causes the body the to swell up

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Q: Why does the sun cause swelling of the water in the body?
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Could a scalp sunburn cause forehead and eye swelling?

no YES...the sun can cause swelling in your forehead and eyes..Ive seen it many times.Theres not much you can do except to ice it and wait it out.Some people have a reaction to the sun even if they never have before..your body reacts with fluid build up.

How does the sun cause evaporation?

The sun heats up the water and the molecules escape the water and turn into water vapoor.

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cause water evaporate

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the sun or heat

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Sun or to much water or irrigation

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The sun dries up the water puddles and then the water forms clouds. So the sun is the cause of clouds

What is the effect of the sun on hydropower?

hydropower is affected by the sun because hydropower is water energy and the sun can evaporate or cause droughts and that will cause the energy to slow or stop so it is affected

Can sun exposure cause lips to swell?

Having a too much sun exposure can cause your lips to swell. It is important to put lip balm on your lips just as you do sun screen on your body.

Will laying in the summer sun, in a winter jacket, help me to burn body fat fast?

Lying in the summer sun, in a winter jacket, will not help you burn body fat fast. It will cause you to sweat and lose some water weight. Exercise and eating right is the best way to lose unwanted body fat.

How a human might get energy from the sun?

humas get energy from the sun cause there is vitamin d from the sun and the heat of the sun enters the body but too much under the sun you can get sick

How does the sun cause precipitation?

The sun melts snow and evaporates rain and water to create more precipitation.