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Q: Why does the sun emit higher frequency radiation than the earth does?
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What is the natural emitted frequency (Fe) of the Earth?

There is no such (single) frequency. The Earth is not a resonator, but it does vibrate mechanically (seismic and tidal) and emit electromagnetic radiation at many different frequencies.

What are the infra red radiation sources?

Anything that has a temperature emits IR radiation. Hotter things emit more at a higher frequency. Then they become Red.

Does a blackbody emit all its radiation at a single frequency?

No. No natural object emits all its radiation at just one frequency.

Does the sun or earth emit light with higher energy?

Only the sun emits radiation in the wavelengths of visible light, which is considerably higher energy than infrared emitted by Earth.

What do neutron stars emit?

If a neutron star's rotational period is fast enough to produce jets (A pulsar), said jets will emit radio waves, with faster periods emitting higher frequency radiation as well as the jets themselves emitting synchrotron radiation. Also, unless the neutron star were 0K, it will emit thermal radiation However, as far as a neutron star that isn't a pulsar, nobody knows if they emit anything but thermal radiation.

What range of electromagnetic radiation is used in NMR?

Molecules emit electromagnetic radiation in NMR spectroscopy.

Does the earth or the sun emit more infrared radiation?


Does infrared radiation happen on Earth?

Yes - many things emit infrared radiation (IR), including toasters.

When does the earth emit terrestrial radiation?

Terrestrial radiation refers to heat emitted from the earth's atmosphere and surface.

What kind of radiation do photocopy machines emit and what is the exact wavelength of this radiation on average?

Other than visible light used to scan the original to be copied, some heat, and the kind of very low and extremely low frequency electromagnetic radiation emitted by all electrical devices, photocopiers do not emit radiation.

Which is the radiation from a xerox machine?

Copiers emit light as they illuminate the original of the item to be copied. All electronic devices, including machines made by Xerox Corporation, emit low frequency electromagnetic fields. There are not hazardous to the operator, although they are radiation. Other types of radiation are not emitted.

How does the frequency of light emitted depend upon the temperature?

The black body equation describes this in detail, it is called Plank's law. All bodies emit electromagnetic radiation. The hotter the body the higher the average frequency. Refer to the links in the Related links for lots of detail.