

Why does the sun look smaller from mars compared to Earth?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Mars is farther away from the sun.

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Q: Why does the sun look smaller from mars compared to Earth?
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Why does the sun look smaller from Mars than from Earth?

Because Mars is farther away from the Sun than the Earth. Anything farther away will look smaller.

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Smaller, Mars is about half the size of Earth

How is mars compared to earth?

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Why does the sun look smaller from mars than it dose on earth?

Mars is farther away from it.

How large is Mars compared to the other planets?

Mars is a smaller planet, but not the smallest (mercury). Mars is about fifty percent smaller than our earth. the size of the planet go in the order of Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Neptune ,Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter.

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Mars is smaller thean the Earth.

What does the Sun look from Mars?

It would look similar to the way it does from Earth, only smaller as Mars is further away.

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Without a telescope you probably couldn't see earth's moon from Mars.

Which is smaller the earth or mars?

Mars is much smaller than Earth.

How is earth smaller than Mars?

Earth is not smaller than Mars, Mars is about half the size of Earth which makes Mars is smaller than Earth

Is Mars is larger or smaller than earth?

Smaller, Mars is about half the size of Earth