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Because the force of the suns gravitational pull cant go any farther and if it did, we would probably be colder than usual and you wouldn't like that, would you? But if you want it closer, it might get to about 110 degrees in the summer. That would mean that we might have to stay inside and not go swimming at all.

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Q: Why does the sun rise higher in the summer?
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When does the sun rise on a summer evening?

The sun does not rise on a summer evening.

How does sun light hit the earth in summer?

The sun's zenith is higher in the sky during the summer months, regardless of which hemisphere you are in. At the 45th parallel the sun will rise to about 45° at high noon.

Why does the sun never rise in the summer?

because the summer is always hot

Why is the sun higher in the sky in summer?

The earth turns all around, in summer it is in a position the sun is "higher" or more above, that's why it is summer :-)

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Does the sun rise in the east in the summer?

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day.

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When is the sun rise in the summer?

In the summer the sun rises in the morning, the time of sunrise gets earlier each day up to mid summer then after mid summer gets later each day.

Why is the sun higher in the sky in the the summer and lower in the winter?

why the sun is higher in summer is because the earths top of the axis is pointed to the sun which makes this hotter and in winter the axis is pointed away from the sun which makes it colder

Is the sun higher in the summer in New England?


Why does the sun rise late in summer in London?

Xx god knows xx .. :)

When the sun is higher in the sky in summer why is it hotter?

because the earht spins on its axis