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Bacteria breaking down the materials cause heat. The compost should rise as high as 146-165 Degrees to fully kill all weed seeds and other organisms.

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Q: Why does the temperature in a compost heap rise up to sixty degrees?
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What is the temperature for the earth inside a compost heap?

The internal temperature of a compost heap will fluctuate, due to the amount of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen in the active pile. When all influences are in balance, the internal temperature will be between 90 degrees and 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

Why does a compost heap feel hot in the middle?

A compost heap is hot in the middle because this is where the microbes are starting to break down the material in the compost heap and as part of their process they generate heat.

What is the difference between a compost heap and a compost pit?

A compost heap is a pile of composting material that is in a pile on the ground. A compost pit is dug into the ground and the composting material is placed in it.

Why does a compost heap have slits at the bottom?

A compost heap has slits at the bottom so that oxygen can circulate through the dirt.

Why do you need gaps in the side of the frame of the compost heap?

A compost heap is either anearobic or aerobic. Anaerobic bacteria are usually quite smelly, so to encourage aerobic bacteria, the compost heap supports are designed to allow air to get at as much as possible of the compost, by having gaps between them.

What is the difference between compost pile and compost pit?

A compost pile is compost in a pile or heap. a compost pit is compost in a pit or hole in the ground.

What is the different between compose pit and compose heap?

A compost pit is composting materials put into a pit dug in the ground. A compost heap is when composting materials are placed in a heap on the surface of the ground.

What is the microorganism called in compost heap?


What should you do if potatoes sprout in the compost heap?

You either turn them over so they compost or you let them grow and use them. It is better to remove potatoes from your compost heap turning them over will make no difference.

How does a compost heap turn food into compost?

A compost heap is basically a big pile of leftover food scraps. As the material stacks up, the temperature inside the pile gets increasingly higher everyday. This is good because it means that microorganisms are at work. Once the food is fully decomposed by decomposers, the gardener has cheap and environmentally sound topsoil.

How can you use a compost heap in your school?

School gardens and science experiments are ways in which a school can use a compost heap. A compost heap functions as a repository for kitchen scraps and yard debris. It may lend itself therefore to community gardens and science class experiments.

Can rabbit poo go on the compost heap?

Absolutely. ^_^ Rabbit droppings make GREAT compost!