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Your weight on the moon is one-sixth (1/6) what it is on earth.

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Mac O'Connell

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2y ago
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3d ago

The weight of an object changes on the moon because the moon has less mass and gravity compared to Earth. Objects weigh less on the moon because the gravitational force pulling them down is weaker.

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12y ago

It is because the gravity on the moon is one sixth of the gravity on the Earth

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Q: Why does the weight of an object change when you go to the moon?
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Why does the weight of an object change when you go the moon?

It is because the gravity on the moon is one sixth of the gravity on the Earth

What are science facts about weight?

Weight is the measure of the force of gravity acting on an object's mass. Weight can vary depending on the strength of gravitational pull on an object. Weight is often measured in units such as pounds or kilograms.

What explain the difference between the mass and the weight of an object?

weight is how heavy an object is; and mass is how much volume an object holds Answer 2 No, the mass is not how much volume ..... Volume and mass are not the same thing. Volume is its size measured in say cubic centimetres or cubic inches, whereas mass is measured in tons or pounds. The difference between mass and weight is that the mass does not change but the weight does (e.g. in outer space an object will have no weight but its mass will still be the same). The effect of this difference is, for example, a body in space may weigh nothing but it will still be able to resist a change in motion (i.e. it has inertia).

Is this true or false the weight of a person can change but the mass stays the same?

That is very true. The mass of something is definite, "the amount of stuff in an object"; However, the weight of something is the pull of gravity on an object. Someone or something's weight can change if, for example, they go to the Moon, or Mars, or any other celestial body with different levels of gravity.

How does your amount of matter change when you go to the moon?

Your mass does not change, but your weight does. This is because weight is a measure of the gravimetric attraction between bodies of matter. Because the moon is less massive than the earth and therefor has a smaller amount of gravity, you will weigh less on the moon.

Would an object have the same weight as it does on Earth as the moon?

No, If you were to go to the moon you would weigh less than you would on earth, that's why it is so easy to jump high on the moon, gravitational pull is weak on the moon! (:

Would your mass change on the moon and why not?

Mass is the measurement of the amount of stuff that makes up an object. Your mass belongs to you. It doesn't depend on where you are, or on anything about the place where you are, or on what's around you. It goes wherever you go and it doesn't change. Your weight is the result of your mass and the other masses in the place where you are, so it changes as you go around visiting different neighborhoods, such as the surface of the moon.

Why is mass of an object the same on the moon as it is on earth but the objects weight is different?

Well, no matter what, our mass would be the same where ever you go. Matter cannot be created or destroyed. Theres no way that you could just lose a little mass simply by going to the moon, its impossible.

What would happen to my mass and weight if I was on the moon?

The mass would be the same where ever you go in the universe

Can your weight change depending on where you are?

Yes, your weight can vary depending on your location due to factors such as elevation, gravitational pull, and even the composition of the ground beneath you. These variations are typically very small and not noticeable in daily life.

What would your weight and mass be if your were on the moon?

Your mass is the same wherever you go. Your weight on the moon is about 16.5% of what it is on Earth.

Would your mass or weight change if you travle to the moon?

travleing to da moon is awesome and i think it would be like da bomb to go dere and idont know the answer but the moon is all da cools