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Q: Why does topaz have different colors?
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Topaz comes in different colors such as yellow, yellow-brown, honey-yellow, flax, brown, green, blue, light blue, red, pink and sometimes no color at all.

Is topaz brown?

Topaz with no impurities is colorless; various impurities give it various colors. Yellow or orange are the colors most people associate with topaz, but blue, grey, green, pink, red and yes, brown, are also possible.

Can topaz be all the colors of the rainbow?

Yes, although green topaz has been treated and doesn't occur naturally.

How much does topaz cost per carat?

There are a few different types of topaz found in the world. These different types of topaz cost different amounts of money per karat.

Is a topaz considered a gem?

Yes, topaz is a gem. It is an interesting one because it can be found in many different colors including clear or transparent, yellow, grey, blue, pink (rare), gold, and red. Many people buy "blue topaz" thinking they have the real thing, but it not that common to find naturally occuring blue topaz. Instead, the lighter shades of topaz can be heated to produce a blue tone.

What is texas' state gem?

The state gem of Texas is the "Texas Blue Topaz". While Topaz gemstones naturally occur in many different colors, along with a colorless variation, the state of Texas adopted the deep blue variation as its state stone in 1969, along with a particular cut, known as the "Lone Star Cut".

How many different types of topaz are there?

There are three main different types of Emeralds. The first is natural Emeralds. They are usually mined in countries like Egypt. They are not fake at all. The second is called hydrothermal.They are fake or synthetic Emeralds. They are manufactured in factories. The third is called flux also made in factories, but is grown from beryl seeds. HOPE THIS HELPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For more info go to-

What is citrine made of?

Citrine is made up of a variety colors of quartz and topaz.

What is the difference between topaz and gold?

Gold is a metal, it also refers to the color of gold. Topaz is a mineral that can be cut and fashioned into a gemstone and it is also known as a color. Genuine Topaz stones with a good cut, size, and color can be very valuable. Topaz and Gold are related to each other in Hue as they would be considered in the yellow range with some other colors added. A topaz gemstone would have some hints of other colors.

Other than white topaz what are some other colors topaz comes in?

Whilst pure topaz is actually colourless, it can generally be obtained in blue, pink, gold and green. Impure topaz is more typical and can be reddish-orange, yellow or wine-coloured.

Are topaz and opal are same stones or different ones?

There different ones because an opal birthstone is for October a topaz is for November

Are diamonds made out of topaz?

No. Diamond and topaz are to different things. Diamonds are composed of carbon.