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Q: Why does urine create bubbles in the toilet bowl?
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How do you remove urine stains from a toilet bowl?

toilet cleaner, or Windex if it is the outside of the toilet bowl.

Urine stains in toilet bowl?

If there are urine stains in your toilet bowl, pour a generous amount of bleach into the toilet bowl and under the rim, then leave overnight. The next morning, flush the toilet and pour more bleach into the bowl and scrub with a toilet brush.

What is bubbles is in urine?

If you urinate quickly, bubbles can occur from splashing with toilet bowl water. This effect is magnified by the nitrogen and other organic compounds in your urine coming into contact with oxygen. This causes chemical reactions which create bubbles as some gases vent off from the process. You may notice urine is most bubbly either in the morning, when there is lots of organic compounds present. Eating green vegetables which are rich in nitrogen will also produce bubbly pee.

What is cause of foamy urine in men?

Foamy urine= a UTI or drinking too much......If you urinate quickly, bubbles can occur from splashing with toilet bowl water. This effect is magnified by the nitrogen and other organic compounds in your urine coming into contact with oxygen. This causes chemical reactions which create bubbles as some gases vent off from the process.You may notice urine is most bubbly either in the morning, when there is lots of organic compounds present. Eating green vegetables which are rich in nitrogen will also produce bubbly pee.

Will urine harm toilet bowls if left to stand for a period of time?

It will not hurt the bowl, but there is some evaporation and over time the dissolved minerals and salts in the urine will form a ring around the bowl at the water line. Any toilet cleaner will remove this.

How do you get rid of urine stains in the toilet bowl?

Any good toilet cleaner will remove the stains.

Is it bad for a dog to drink urine out of the toilet?

My little dog did when I unfortunately forgot to fill its water bowl! But fortunately the toilet had been flushed and the water was RELATIVELY clean.

What is the standard distance from the center of a toilet bowl to another bowl in a public toilet installed with a multiple toilet bowl?

30 inches.

Can a strawberry shake or can a toilet bowl?

a strawberry can, u cant shake a toilet bowl.

How do you clean toilets?

Spray it with a disinfectant thoroughly. Squirt some cleaner in the bowl. Swab out the bowl. Wipe down the whole toilet. Flush.

Is the substance in a toilet bowl cleaner corrosive?

Yes, toilet bowl cleaner is very corrosive

Which country invented the toilet bowl?

The flushing toilet was invented by John Harrington in 1596. he was English so the toilet bowl was invented in England.