

Why does water evaporate slower?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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9y ago

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The question isn't entirely clear. Slower than what, exactly?

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Q: Why does water evaporate slower?
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Why does salt water evaporate slower than regular water?

salt water evaporates slower than regular water because the salt makes it harder to boil and evaporate

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Does water evaporate in the dark?

Yes, but with a slower rate.

Do water evaporate faster or slower with salt in it?

Pure water is evaporated faster.

Will water with salt evaporate faster than water with out salt?

No, it will evaporate slower. When salt or another nonvolatile solute is added to water it raises the boiling point, making it more difficult to evaporate.

Will sugar water evaporate faster than plain water?

Probably slower, since it has less concentration of water.

Will the rate of evaporation will be faster or slower when put sugar on the water?

Allways pure water evaporate faster.

Why does water evaporate slower than rubbing alcohol?

Water evaporates slower than rubbing alcohol because it is a more stable substance. The bonds in water are very strong.

Why does cold water evaporate slower than hot water?

The kinetic energy of water molecules is lower at a low temperature.

What can make water evaporate slower?

For example a low temperature or high pressure.

Does the color of water effect its evaporation?

Yes, it makes it evaporate slower because it now has more molecules

Will water evaporate faster or slower in a warm spot or cold spot?

Evaporation is faster at high temperature.