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Because of the angle. So basically which ever way is more slanted downward is the way the water will flow

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Gravity pulls the water to a lower elevation (i.e. downhill).

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Water flows downward because of gravity.

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Q: Why does water flow downhill?
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What is water pulled downhill by?

It is forced to flow downhill by the Earth's gravity.

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Water flows downhill, and the topography of that region just happens to be downhill to the east.

What is a body of water that flows downhill in a channel?

Rivers, lakes, canals, even sewers are bodies of water that flow downhill in a channel.

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Gravity, rivers flow downhill

Why does a stream flow?

Streams form when downhill running water creates a channel capable of carrying water. Most streams begin as temporary rivulets that only have water after a rainfall.

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What forms when water drains from the land flow downhill to the sea?


Where does surface water travel?

Surface water flows downhill or seeps into the ground becoming groundwater. The natural flow of surface water is downhill or seaward. See the related link for more information.

Does the St Lawrence Seaway flow uphill or downhill?

Down hill, Think of it, Niagara Falls, the water is falling downhill, Niagara's water comes from St. Lawrence Seaway.

Why River only go one way?

water can only flow oneway - downhill

In a typical stream where the gradient is steep the discharge is what?

A steep gradient will force the water to flow downhill faster.