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Water flows downhill, and the topography of that region just happens to be downhill to the east.

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Q: Why does the Amazon flow east?
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What way does the amazon flow?

The Amazon flows East, mostly.

What important river flows out the Andes mountain?

As the length of the Andes is in excess of 7000km long, they contain the sources of literally hundreds of rivers. Many of these flow to the Pacific in the West, but many of those rivers that flow to the East eventually flow into the Amazon. The most distant source of the Amazon from its outflow into the sea is a glacial stream on Nevado Mismi (18,363 ft high) in the Peruvian Andes. This progresses into the Ucayali which joins the Marañón and eventually the Amazon itself.

Does the Amazon river flow east or west?

It currrently flows east, but fossil records show that it most likely flowed west millions of years ago. -srp

Does amazon delivers to the Middle East countries?

No, The Amazon river is in South America, however the middle east country's are in Africa, and Asia, and technically in Europe as well in the case of northern turkey (though turkey is sometimes not thought of as a middle eastern country) famous Rivers that do flow through the middle east are: the Jordan, the Euphrates, and the Tigris.

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Does the Continental Divide allow rivers to flow only east or west?

Rivers Flow east to west :]

Which river does the amazon river flow into?

The Amazon river flows into the Amazon estuary, which leads out to the Atlantic Ocean.

Into which river does the Amazon river flow?

The route of the Amazon River begins in the foothills of the Andes mountains in Peru. It flows across the continent crossing the countries of Peru and Brazil (the northern part) to the Atlantic Ocean.

Where does the Amazon River flow?

Over 71 million cubic feet per secons.

What content does the Amazon River flow?

the equator

Where does the amazon river flow out to?

Atlantic Ocean.