

Amazon River

The second-longest river in the world, the Amazon flows about 3,900 miles from northern Peru across northern Brazil to a wide delta on the Atlantic Ocean.

795 Questions

Which statement accurately describes the sugar plantations of the northeast region of Brazil?

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Asked by Jsmooth

The sugar plantations in the northeast region of Brazil were an important part of the colonial economy during the 16th to 19th centuries. These plantations relied heavily on enslaved labor from Africa to fuel their production. The region became known as the "sugar bowl" of the world due to its large-scale sugar production.

What is the average water temperature in the Amazon river?

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The average water temperature in the Amazon River ranges between 74°F (23°C) and 82°F (28°C) throughout the year. There may be slight variations depending on the specific location within the river and season.

What type of climate found in the amazon basin?

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The Amazon Basin has a tropical rainforest climate, characterized by high humidity, abundant rainfall, and consistently warm temperatures throughout the year. This climate supports the lush vegetation and diverse ecosystem found in the region.

What kind of herbivores live in rivers and streams?

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Some herbivores that live in rivers and streams include fish like carp, trout, and catfish, as well as aquatic insects like mayfly and stonefly nymphs, and crustaceans such as freshwater shrimp and crayfish. These animals feed on algae, plants, and detritus found in the water.

How does the amazon change from source to mouth?

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The Amazon River starts in the Andes mountains and flows through the Amazon rainforest before emptying into the Atlantic Ocean. Along the way, it gains water from numerous tributaries and grows in size, becoming one of the largest rivers by volume in the world. The river's ecosystem changes as it moves from highland streams to lowland floodplains, supporting a diverse array of plant and animal species.

Human use of rivers and their surrounding regions has historically meant increases in what?

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Human use of rivers has traditionally meant decreases in water quality. As humans exploit the rivers, industrial pollution increases, as does water salinity, which in turn affects farming and land use. Deforestation increases, meaning a decrease in some species of animals.

The negro river is tributary of what major south America river?

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The Negro River is a tributary of the Amazon River in South America. It is one of the largest tributaries of the Amazon and plays an important role in the overall hydrology of the region.

How many locks are there along the Amazon River?

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There are no locks along the Amazon River. The river is mostly navigable due to its depth and width, allowing vessels to travel its entire length without the need for locks.

How many waterfalls does the Amazon River have?

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The Amazon River has numerous waterfalls along its course, with some of the most famous ones being the Cachoeira de Santo Antônio and the Hacha Falls. The exact number of waterfalls in the Amazon River can vary as new ones are discovered, and some may only flow during certain times of the year.

What is the food chain for the Amazon river?

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the food chain in a swamp is quite complex giving that the arrangement of beings and or life forms is very fruitful in a swamp. first we have producers then primary consumers then secondary consumers and finally the tertiary consumers which are the big dogs in this environment including alligators, crocodiles and exc.

What are the major abiotic and biotic factors of the amazon river?

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Major abiotic factors of the Amazon River include water temperature, nutrient availability, and water pH. Biotic factors include the diverse array of plant and animal species that inhabit the river, such as fish, birds, reptiles, and aquatic plants. These factors interact to create a complex and rich ecosystem in the Amazon River basin.

Plants in the Amazon River?

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Plants in the Amazon River include water lilies, giant Amazon sword plants, and various species of floating plants like water lettuce and water hyacinth. These plants play a crucial role in the ecosystem by providing food and shelter for aquatic animals and helping maintain water quality. Additionally, the Amazon River basin is home to a diverse array of plant species that contribute to the region's high levels of biodiversity.

What is the longitude and latitude of the 'Amazon River'?

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The Amazon River has a latitude of approximately 3 degrees north and a longitude that varies along its course, but generally falls around 60 to 70 degrees west.

How many meters is the Nile River?

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The Nile river in Egypt, Africa, runs for about 4,132 miles. It is a north flowing river, and is on the north eastern continent of Africa. It is regarded as the longest free running river in the world.

Do heavy rains fall in the winter and spring at the Amazon basin?

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Yes, heavy rains fall in the Amazon basin during the wet season, which typically occurs from December to May. This period is characterized by high precipitation levels, contributing to the basin's lush vegetation and biodiversity.

What continent is the Amazon River?

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The Amazon River is located in South America. It is the largest river by discharge volume of water in the world.

How deep is the river Amazon?

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The average depth of the Amazon River is approximately 150 feet (45 meters). However, in some parts, it can reach depths of over 300 feet (90 meters) during the rainy season due to flooding.

Does the amazon river flow through the Andes and into the pacific ocean?

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No, the Amazon River flows through the Amazon Rainforest and into the Atlantic Ocean, not the Pacific Ocean. The Andes mountain range is located to the west of the Amazon basin but the river does not flow through it.

What is the water speed of the Amazon River?

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The speed of the water in the Amazon River varies depending on the location and season. On average, it flows at a speed of about 1.5 to 2.5 meters per second. However, during the wet season, it can reach speeds of up to 6 meters per second in some areas.

Whats the third oldest lake in the world?

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Lake Tanganyika is considered the third oldest lake in the world, estimated to be around 9-12 million years old. It is located in East Africa and is one of the largest and deepest freshwater lakes in the world.

What is the term for the ecosystem generally consisting of broadleaf evergreen trees that is found in wet tropical areas?

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The term for this ecosystem is "tropical rainforest." It is characterized by high rainfall, high biodiversity, and lush vegetation dominated by broadleaf evergreen trees.

What type of climate is hot or warm all year long?

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A tropical climate is typically hot or warm all year long, with consistently high temperatures and high humidity levels. This climate is found near the equator and is characterized by lush vegetation and distinct wet and dry seasons.

In the WKYC Cleveland report on turning salt water into fuel what energy source is used to create the flame?

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The WKYC Cleveland report mentioned using a blue flame fueled by hydrogen gas to create energy from saltwater. The energy from the blue flame can potentially support an electrolysis process that breaks down the water molecules in the saltwater to extract hydrogen.

How long are nightcrawlers?

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Nightcrawlers, a type of earthworm, can typically grow to be around 6-12 inches long on average. However, some may reach lengths of up to 14 inches in ideal conditions.

Why is the Amazon River is less of a highway than the Mississippi River?

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The Amazon River is less of a highway than the Mississippi River due to its remote location, dense rainforest surroundings, and lack of infrastructure for transportation. The Amazon's large size and unpredictable conditions also make it less navigable for commercial shipping compared to the well-developed transportation network along the Mississippi River.