

Football Field Measurements

An American football field measures 120 yards/110 meters long and 53.5 yards/49 meters wide for both high school and professional teams. The Canadian field is 30 yards longer and a half yard slimmer for a college field.

175 Questions

How many square meters is a football field?

A football field is approximately 7,140 square meters. So, if you're looking to do some landscaping or maybe host your own mini World Cup, now you know how much space you need. Just don't forget the goalposts!

How many football fields are equivalent to 700 acres?

One acre is equivalent to 0.0015625 square miles. Therefore, 700 acres is equal to 1.09375 square miles. A standard American football field is 1.32 acres in size. To find out how many football fields are equivalent to 700 acres, we divide 1.09375 by 1.32, which gives us approximately 0.829545 football fields.

How many long is a football field?

I was hoping to have someone answer this question for my state report I'm doing on Rhode Island...THANKS!!

Sorry, Oh So Sorry, Please accept our apologies. The reason your question was not given the attention it so richly deserved is that some Idiot failed to follow the proper protocol and exactly five minutes later filled in the answer with the statement found in the above first paragraph. The computer, not being an Idiotcomplied with instructions that were programmed into it and instantly switched it from an unanswered question to a question that had been Asked and Answered.

Eight months later someone doing routine clean up noted this failure to rapidly respond to your urgent needs and we extend deep apologies if your State Report failed to receive the high credits you had anticipated. Your correct Answer is:



  1. The Length of an American Football field is 100 yards. The End Zone is 10 yards deep with an additional 10 yards of depth free of obstructions called the "Run out Zone" which is provided to avoid player injury. Thus an American football field can be said to 140 yards. (Playing Field of 100 yards plus two End Zones of 10 yards each for 120 yards, Plus a Run Free Zone on each end of the field of 10 yards for an arena length without End Zone Bleachers of 140 yards. For illustration purposes only, the field is the designated playing field of 100 yards and will be designated as (F) in any fornula.
  2. One mile (Designated (M) is equal to 1,760 yards.
  3. One Playing Field is equal to M divided by (F) or 17.5 or more simply stated 17.5 playing fields equal one mile.
  4. Rhode Island is 37 miles wide (called W} and 48 miles long (called L).
  5. Long assumes the greatest distance as a ratio between length and width.


F in L which is precisely about or close to or somewhere near ..... (Insert Drum Roll Audio Feature) ..... 844.8 Football Fields Long and 651.2 Football Fields Wide.

How long is a high school football field?

A high school football field is 360 feet long. The field has a width of 160 feet. End zones are ten feet deep.

How long is a football yard in actuality?

Yes, the yards used in football are three feet long, just as the normal definition.

What is the length and width of an NFL football field?

The official size of an NFL football field is 360 feet or 120 yards in length endzone to endzone and 160 feet or 53 1/3 yards in width.

How many football fields is 7500km?

Given that there are 100 yards in a football field, and that 1 kilometer is 1093.6133 yards (google calculator), then that would be reason to believe that 1 kilometer is 10.936133 football fields (1093.6133/100). However, if you are also taking into consideration the length of the field plus the length of the endzones, then 1 kilometer is 9.11344417 football fields (1093.6133/120).

How long is a football goal post?

Goalposts in American football are 20 feet high, 18 feet 6 inches wide, and have a crossbar 10 feet above the ground that the ball must cross over to make a successful field goal or point after touchdown.

What is the metric length and width of a football field?

1 yard = 0.9144 meter (according to my converter)

So: Length = 100 yards = 91.44 meter

Width = 50 yards (?) = 45.72 meter

How many feet from hash marks to goal line?

It should be three feet as the field measures 100 yards not including the endzone, and the yard marks are every ten and five yards. Because there are 3 feet in one yard we can say that each hash is three feet apart.

Height and width of the football goal?

the height and width of the goal

is 20 feet wide and 8 feet tall

What is the perimeter of an English football field in meters?

A professional sized pitch is 300m in perimeter two 100m sides by two 50m ends

How many extra yards is a field goal from the 40yd line?

A field goal can be attempted from anywhere on the field, so the distance from the 40 yard line isn't really relevant to anything.

If you're asking how many extra yards the ball must travel relative to the line of scrimmage, you must allow seven yards to snap the ball back to the holder, plus ten yards to reach the back of the end zone (where the uprights are positioned).

Therefore, if the line of scrimmage is the 40-yard line, you would have a 57-yard field goal attempt.

What is the distance between football posts?

Laws state the posts shall be no less than 3.4 meters from ground level and the cross bar shall be 3 meters from the ground. How ever the nights of each upright are usually well above 3.4 meters

What does a physical exam cost?

My Husband just went to a very good Dentist for a NEW PATIENT exam, and spent about $350. This included a full comprehensive exam: Cleaning, gum pocket probing, full set of X-rays, hygeine instruction, Prophylaxis, consultation, diagnosis, etc. My exam as an existing patient cost around $220. It really depends on the quality of dentist you are going to. My Aunt used to work as a hygenist, and told me that the dentists who advertise big specials for $100 new patient exams are usually not the best dentists out there. I figure spending more now with a dentist I trust is better than fixing expensive mistakes that a bad dentist made years before.

Is a football field larger than 1.86 acers?

An acre is 43,560 square feet. An American football field is 46,440 square feet.

You do the math.

A Canadian football field is 93, 600 square feet.

You do the math.

You can have other kinds of football, Italian, European, Australian rules.

Of course European rules football does not have a standard size field. Only the size of the goal posts are standard.

How large is a high school football field?

The size of a high school football field is the same as that of college and the pros.

Since there are 100 yards in a field, we can concede that the length is 100 feet. Also, the end zones are each 10 yards deep, so the total length is 360 feet.

The width of the field is 53 1/3 yards, or 160 feet.


Length: 120 yards or 360 feet.

Width: 53 1/3 yards or 160 feet.

What NFL football fields are outside?

no none of the football fields are heated that would be impossible

NOT IMPOSSIBLE - Invesco Field at Mile High has heating during the winter months by a network of 21 miles of underground hot water tubing.