

Why does water weigh less when frozen?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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Water expands slightly when if freezes (due to hydrogen bonding) and the resulting ice is less dense than water.(Actually, the water still weighs the same- it just takes up more space when frozen)

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Q: Why does water weigh less when frozen?
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In a micro gravity, if the mass of each are equal they would 'weigh' the same.

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What does one pound of water weigh when frozen?

It will still weigh one pound. The only thing that will change is its' size since it will expand by 9% and will become less dense.

What is heavier - a cup of water at room temperature or a cup of water frozen?

If you mean *exactly* one cup by volume, you have the iceberg scenario. The cup of frozen water will be less dense, so it will weigh less. If you just freeze a cup of water, don't spill any, and *don't* trim the excess to bring the volume back to exactly one cup, then it will weigh exactly what it did at room temp.

Does frozen fish weight more the thawed fish?

Fish will weigh less after it is thawed because it loses some water when it is thawed.

Does a pound of water frozen weigh a pound?

Water will stay the same weight when it is frozen, it still has the same molecules that it started with

Do frozen peas weigh more than unfrozen?

Yes, because the water that is frozen inside the pea is heavier and harder that a cooked pea, which has less water in it. If you just compare a package of uncooked and cooked peas, you'll feel the difference.

What is heaver water or ice if a liter weighs 1 kilogram how much is a liter of water frozen weigh?

They weigh the same

Does a human weigh less in water?

No, just because a human is in water, doesn't mean they will weigh less. Humans would weight the same if they were in pudding, so humans do not weigh less in water.

When an object is submerged will it weigh less or have less mass?

Objects under water seem to weigh less but they have the same mass as they would out of water.

What percentage is earth's water frozen water?

A bit less than 2% of the worlds water is frozen. Antarctica accounts for about 80% of the worlds fresh water.