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There are some highly mathematical treatments of this question and it is usually handled as diffraction theory, but it is an interesting question to answer conceptually: The cutoff is not sharp, but generally small wavelengths need to be used to see small objects because small details have a lot of information, and long wavelengths carry very little information per unit of time. Here's an example to show why. Imagine you are blind (or just close your eyes) and try to determine what an object is by touching it with a large beachball. Let's imagine that the object is a wristwatch. No matter how many times you touch the wristwatch with the beachball, you probably won't be able to figure out what it is. If you used a smaller ball it would be much easier. If you used a ping pong ball you could pretty well determine what the object was. The same is true for microscopy; to see REALLY small stuff you need electrons to do the looking.

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3w ago

Wave length determines the minimum size an object can be seen because smaller objects will scatter light waves in different directions. Shorter wavelengths are less prone to this scattering, allowing us to see smaller objects more clearly. This phenomenon is known as diffraction, and it sets a limit to the resolution of optical systems.

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Q: Why does wave length determine minimum size an object can be seen?
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The minimum distance between two object before they are seen as one object is known as?

The minimum distance between two objects before they are seen as one object is known as the resolution limit or the resolving power of the imaging system. It is the ability to distinguish between two separate objects rather than seeing them as a single entity.

what causes shadow length?

The length of a shadow is primarily determined by the angle of the sun in relation to the object casting the shadow. Shadows are longer in the early morning and late afternoon when the sun is lower in the sky, and shorter at midday when the sun is directly overhead. The size and shape of the object casting the shadow also play a role in determining shadow length.

What determines the characteristics of images seen through a magnifying glass?

The characteristics of images seen through a magnifying glass are determined by the magnification power of the lens, the distance between the lens and the object being viewed, and the focal length of the lens. These factors affect the size, clarity, and distortion of the image.

What does a microscope do to an object?

A microscope magnifies an object, allowing small details to be seen more clearly. It uses lenses to focus light on the object, enabling observers to view it at a level of detail not possible with the naked eye.

When is an object can be seen?

An object can be seen when light reflects off of its surface and reaches our eyes. This happens when there is sufficient light in the environment for our eyes to detect the object.

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