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Hot and cold are caused by the same thing-heat. Cold objects contain less heat than hot ones. An object can become more or less hot through heat exchange. An object can retain heat as insulation creates heat storage.

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Q: Why does wrapping up hot things keep them warm?
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What keeps food warm and cold?

Food like hot pasta or a hot hamburger can stay warm by being put in a thermos or an insulated wrapping or food bag. Things like cold water or cold pasta salad can remain cold in a cooler or on ice.

Does cotton socks keep stuff hot?

it will keep stuff WARM but not hot

How do our clothes keep us warm?

They Keep out cold and keep in hot or keep in cold and keep out hot it depends on the weather

How do you keep something hot in a cooler?

don't put ice in it or put towels around it think of another way to keep things warm HINT:a COOLER is for putting things that need to be cool

Why do newspaper wrapping keep things hot?

Newspaper wrapping helps to insulate the heat of the food item by creating a barrier between the hot item and the outside environment. The paper traps heat, preventing it from escaping quickly. Additionally, it can help to keep moisture in, which can also help retain heat.

How does cloth keep things hot and cold?

Cloth is a bad conductors/good insulator of heat. Bad conductors keep things warm or cold, so the answer is, because cloth is a bad conductor of heat!

How do you achieve effective pain relief for your knee at home?

Warm moist heat works best for me. Try a hot soak or a warm wrap and some gentle flexing or massage to get the knee juices moving around. When you cannot soak it (at work for example), try wrapping it gently with an ace bandage to keep the joint warm.

How do you keep hot water warm with out using termos?

You can keep it warm by keeping it out in the sun. If there is no sun, than I don't know how it will it will stay warm.

What is the best way to keep something warm in the ice chest?

Take it out of the ice chest. A plastic insulated cooler can be used to keep things warm. Warm the cooler by running hot water into it. Empty the water after a couple of minutes. Wrap the item you want to keep warm in newspapers or towels and place it into the cooler. You can also use something that can be warmed, such as the combination ice/hot packs, to pack with the item in the cooler and it will help it stay warm longer.

How do you keep hot water hot in a can?

warm it up every time it gets cold

How do walking sticks keep warm?

snuggies and hot potatoes

What is the function of hot air in science?

To keep the lab warm.